Kira Reaches out Again?

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Walking around the school Zack couldn't contain his excitement, he loved his clan to the bottom of his heart and even after losing his family he was the only one to survive what happened and after losing his people and joining up with another clan from a different race he wasn't expecting to ever be able to restore them to their former glory and what's stopping him right now is the fact that he doesn't know who he wants to turn.

While turning another corner he was grabbed by his collar and thrown into the corner that students could use to hide in the shade and once he looked up to see who his assailant was he didn't bother hiding his irritation "What do you want Kira?" Zack asked her as she narrowed her eyes at him "Who's helping you?" She asked as he looked at her confusingly "Why?" He asked while narrowing his eyes back at her "I hope you're not trying to stop me again." He said as she pushed him up against the wall.

"I don't wanna stop you I just wanna know who's helping you." She said as he scoffed at her "I'm not telling you."

"And why not."

"Because I'm not, I see no reason to tell you that and what I do is supposed to be a secret." Zack said as he tried moving as she pushed him back into the wall "It won't be much of a secret if I tell Jack and the girls?" She said as Zack stared at her "I can't let you do that..." Zack said as he stared at her while her left arm with his right hand "When did you become a secretive person Zack? If you're only working to stop Silas then why can't you tell me who's working with you?" She said while balling up her right fist.

"Are you selling out House Tempest?" Kira said as Zack looked at her with disgust "I would never betray the house! Just because I refuse to tell you who's helping me doesn't mean I'm trading clan secrets!" He said as they locked eyes anger both on their faces "Then I guess I'll report you!" She said while yanking away from him "I can't let you do that." Zack said emotionlessly while grabbing her arm and lifting up his right leg and kicked her out the corner they were in.

Before she could hit the ground she had used a ball of air in her right hand to keep her balance as she looked like she was doing a one-handed handstand until she landed facing the corner she was just kicked out of "Okay, if that's how we're doing things." She said while taking in a deep breath before bolting towards him as fast as she could while pulling a dagger out of thin air.

Running towards her Zack turned his right hand into claws as they were both moments away from their attack "Alright that's enough!" A voice said as they both were frozen in place up to their hips as Zack and Kira both turned to see someone unexpected "MOM!?" Kira said as she walked up to both of them "You shouldn't be fighting, if you damage this school "Sir Siegfried would have to pay for it." She said while unfreezing them.

They both glanced at each other as she quickly walked closer to her mother "Mom I think you need to question Zack." She said while looking back at him with a glare "Lately he's been doing sketchy things when me and the others aren't looking and I think he could be working for a different clan." Kira finished saying as Kyla sighed.

"This is why I said I'd rather Jack find out than her madam Kyla" Zack said as it made Kira look her motherly confusingly "F-F-F-Fi-Fi-Find out? F-F-Find out what?" Kira said as Kyla had facepalmed "Sweetheart we need to talk." She said as Kira immediately started crying "NOOO" She shouted while falling out and crying louder "I won't accept him! You hear me!? I won't!" She continued on as it made both of their faces turn red "U-Uh Kira? That's not what I meant!" She said while trying to hide her face from embarrassment.

"Zack isn't working for another clan," Kyla began to say as she sighed "He works for me." She said as Kira's face was immediately trying to figure things out "Mom, if Silas was your target why didn't you bring me in!" She said while Kyla frowned slightly "Because I couldn't risk you throwing the operation in Silas's face."

"I wouldn't! And you didn't even give me a chance!" Kira said while tears fell down her face slowly "Okay well, if you're gonna be apart of this the others cannot know or else I cannot guarantee your safety." Kyla said as Kira nodded "Our operation isn't about stopping Silas." Kyla said as Kira's face showed the confusion "Isn't what you have been doing?" Kira said as Kyla and Zack shook their head no "Our whole operation is based on us stalling long enough for Indra to come back and take his place." Zack said as Kira blinked at that he said as her mother could tell what she's thinking.

"The man from your visions, was him Kira." She said as a tear began to fall from her face 'He's back?' She thought as she saw them smiling "W-Well where is he?" She said as they both shrugged their shoulders as it killed the moment for her right then and there "What do you mean you don't know?" She said as they both chuckled nervously.

"That's a discussion for another time but in the meantime." Kyla said as they both looked at her as they saw a seriousness that crossed her face "Is it possible for you to connect back to Indra? He's very far so you'll have to use everything you got to do it." Kyla said as Kira nodded slowly now nervous at whatever she was expected to do.


They was in her room alone as Kira had her eyes closed as she began searching for the connection they had "I can't find him!" Kira shouted out as her mother put her hands on her back "We have to increase your range." Kyla said as she grabbed Zack as Kira could feel power flowing through her as she began looking around and still didn't see anyone and when she turned around she couldn't believe the figure she saw standing in front of her as a smile was etched into her face "It's good to see you again...Indra." She said while wiping the tear that came to her face.

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