Samuel's First Night Mission

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Even though Samuel knew he had a assignment to do from that Elf he still managed to get a bit of sleep, a lot of information was dropped on him and in the middle of class at that.

'Just who were you Spade?' Samuel said to himself remembering how monstrous he was and rolled over as he felt his nose touching something and when he opened his eyes he saw that he was face to face with a woman with emerald eyes.

"You are a troubled sleeper for a halfling" Kyla said with a neutral expression on her face as if what she was doing right now was normal "And for a Elf you are very invasive" He replied back while attempting to push her off the bed only to hear the woman gasp.

Warmth covered his hand as he didn't dare to look down as the two locked eyes "And you're a pervert" she said while looking away from him and jumping out the bed revealing she wore a black cloak in the bed with him "Come on we have a mission to get started on" she said while tossing a black cloak to him.

Samuel grabbed it and put it over his uniform while watching her open up a portal in the wall next to the bathroom "Where are we going?" Samuel asked in a hushed whisper only to see her smirk and pulled him through and once they was on the other side they was on a roof top over-looking a village.

"So this is the guy that was with Indra last?" He heard a male voice say as he turned around to see a boy that had a silver necklace and dark blue eyes with jet black hair that's wild and unkempt ' dog?' Samuel said to himself while scrunching up his face.

"Is there something you'd like to say halfling?" The boy said as the smell Samuel was looking for was standing right in front of him "Be nice now Zack! You know what you're here for." The woman said as he nodded while sighing and suddenly reaching his hand out "I'm Zack, for the remainder of any future missions you get from Ms.Kyla will be done with me and for your safety keep this to yourself." He said as it made Samuel raise a brow.

"Why?" Samuel asked as her heard a nervous laugh from the Elf he now knew as Kyla "Because we don't need people knowing Indra or in your case "Spade" actually came back right now, it could cause some difficulties." She said as it was still too confusing for him "Hey genius Indra was- well is, the prince to the Dragon throne the process on who to succeed technically isn't over since he did not die or admit defeat." Zack said as it was a huge bomb for Samuel.

'It would explain how powerful he was, but why did he feel more like a demon than a Dragon?' Samuel thought to himself "Anyways! With introductions over and done with the mission is simple," She said while beginning to point over to a building.

"Zack knows what to do so both of you head on over to get started and remember..." She said while walking towards the both of them and grabbed them by the ears "NO Fighting!" She finished while making a portal and walking through.

Leaving them on their own Zack gave a sigh and began jumping down onto the ground and started his walk as Samuel followed shortly after "So what was he like?" Zack asked as it was unexpected and caught Samuel off guard but figured who he meant since they only shared one mutual friend.

"Spade was...hard to read, even though he was attempting to help me before he was taken" Samuel said while watching the people walk by hand in hand "He can be a bit mysterious," Zack started off to say "He has been alone for a long time before he was adopted into the family. But after a while of spending time with him and a few fights we all became his family, even though we are servants for his father." Zack said while slowly coming to a stop in front of the building they was supposed to go to.

'So is Spade a lost prince? Or is he more like a lost savior?" Samuel thought as they walked inside behind Zack, inside the building was at least two other floors above them as candlelight was the only thing keeping the place lit 'It looks like a underground library in here' Samuel thought while in awe of his new surroundings.

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