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It was horrible...the pain was unbearable...why did it have to be this way? Why him? It was a easy answer~ no one cared whether he lived or died.

He laid on a table as he was experimented on as the room seemed to be similar to a hospital ~ he was angry and he wanted out.

All he can remember was the orphanage and how alone he truly was, he'd gotten too confident in killing the Monsters and the Hunters in the world and it was weird since he was one himself.

He sat up to see that he was on a bed in a abandoned building in the little town he was also in, he protected the people from the dangers that would occasionally appear and to thank him they let him sleep in the abandoned building.

He knew this wasn't healthy but he didn't care, they fed him a small ration every once in a while to keep him going and he would protect them.

Half of these people were actually Demi humans and surprisingly a Hunter hasn't shown up yet especially after all this time of him being in the small little town away from the other cities.

It was only the afternoon time and he was dreaming about his past~ a horrible one at that as he stood up and looked out the square windows to see people walking around as he could also see his own reflection.

Blonde and peach hair that stretched to his shoulder blades as his amber eyes seemed empty and cold as scars was on his chest and rib cage.

He slept most of the day so he didn't know what else to do other than watch the town folk and practice his abilities by himself.

That was when he sensed the bloodlust as he heard someone scream as he got closer towards the window and saw a man wave his hand as a Demi human boy a bull perhaps was sent flying a few feet as his chest bled.

He narrowed his eyes as he knew exactly what he was 'So a Vampire has come' He thought to himself as he teleported down there and appeared in a swirl of black and red mist as he caught the man's hand preventing him from reaching the child.

"Get your thirst under control" The boy told him as the man got angry as he tried bringing his left hand down only for the boy to catch it "Stop being stupid...." He kicked him a few feet away as the dust kicked up after each time he hit the ground.

"T-Thank You Indra for saving me" The boy now known as Indra nodded as he knew what these people called him "Indra the Grimm Reaper" Anyone and everyone that has crossed his path and tried him has died a quick death but in all reality they were weak that was it.

Indra watched the man get up as his black suit was ruined as his glowing red eyes looked at him as if he was the only person standing there "So you're one of them I thought your kind was dead *chuckles* if you can beat me I'll let you have my life if not...." He somehow was face to face with Indra as his smile widened ear to ear.

"Then I'll take yours BRAT!" Indra moved out the way as quickly as he could as the man destroyed the ground in one blow "You know what I am! Then please tell me" Indra begged as the man started laughing.

"Do you really wanna know that? Do you think you can handle the truth boy..." He started giggling and laughing uncontrollably as he looked at Indra.

"That you're a lab experiment born from a wish...a miracle chimera!" His eyes widened as the man started laughing as Indra looked down at his hands as he remembered that he was also in a lab as the man continued to laugh at him.

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