Celebration and Revelation

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Everyone celebrated the horrific win they gained over the Golden Lions for days~ even the town heard about the win, just not the details of the battle.

Even if the townsfolk heard such a thing they wouldn't believe any of them could do such a thing, even as they celebrated no one saw Spade not until the last night they decided to celebrate one more time.

"You are gonna let him join the guild right?" Kaitlyn asked GuildMaster Ronald as everyone looked toward them music still playing but now lower than what it was before.

"If it's within his desire to be here I do not see a reason why not since he not only saved my family not once but twice and also saved our name and our home...." He said while crossing his arms and taking a deep breath as Kaitlyn started to frown knowing a but was coming.

"But...as you can see after winning the fight with the Golden Lions two days ago he has not been seen here nor has anyone outside this guild hall seen him" He said while placing a left hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"He may be...."

"Two ales please"

They heard a voice say at the bar as everyone saw Spade sitting there normally waiting for his alcohol shocking the bartender herself.

He still wore his cloak and mask, after that battle he's even more a mystery now and now there's things Kaitlyn wanna know just like the Guild Master.

Like where he's from, what's his real name, does he a family~ if so who's alive who's dead and most importantly what does he look like under the cloak and behind the mask.

The two women who were are bartenders made his drink quickly and sat them
Down in front of him "I thought you skipped town after the battle" GuildMaster Ronald said as he slowly walked towards the bar.

"I'm not the type to abandon people old man nor would I ever be" Spade replied back as he grabbed the mug "Not even after I've defeated my enemy" He said while pulling up his mask slightly to drink the mug.

"Okay...is it your desire to join us? You've already fought for us twice now and you're already seen as a member of our guild by the Golden Lions...if you do decide to join know here we are a family, I don't care how strong you are or how strong you think you are but here we rely on and trust each other"

"Do you really think I'm worth all the trouble? You don't even know who I am under this cloak and behind this mask" Spade said as he turned to face him as the guild master sat down one seat away from him.

"You have your reasons, from what I saw if you wanted to you could've easily taken out my kids no question because Jacque Lions is a level above Ryan and that's only because of the speed difference...but you, you're different...you removed limbs from him and put him back together like he was a toy to be played with and that speaks volumes" He said while grabbing the second mug on the counter.

"At the very least give us the opportunity to one day know who you are" He said while taking a swig out the wooden mug and placing it back on the counter "One day...just maybe" Spade replied back as he took a swig at the same time as the Master.

"Since you're joining us, I need to at least know something about you I know you aren't ready yet but I need to know something" He said as Spade took another swig "Ask away" He said while taking another one.

"My first question, are you human?" He said as Spade reached for a menu on the counter "No I'm not" He said while putting the menu back "Steak dinner please I don't care how you cook the meat as long as it's edible and another ale please" They both nodded while hurrying into the kitchen.

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