Zack's Discovery

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After seeing the vamp off Kyla had closed the portal as Zack watched her stare up at the night sky "You're worried." Zack said as she gave a slow nod "Can you imagine what type of damage he could've done if we hadn't stopped him? He's already strong and still growing, so the fact that he's looking for something like these must mean he's up to something." Kyla said while forming a cloud under her as she sat down.

Zack could tell slowly she was starting to feel hopeless and in turn was making him feel sad "We can present our evidence to Master Siegfried! We could stop Silas from ascension by proving he has evil intent." Zack tried to plead as it made Kyla chuckle sadly "Even if we did present the daggers to him, what's stopping him from giving it to Silas himself? Even if he has evil intent it won't matter if he's strong enough to call himself Lord." She said while sighing.

"This is why we need Indra, only he could oppose him" Kyla said while waving her hand as the portal opened back up "Head on back to school, keep an eye on Silas and don't get caught being suspicious" she said as Zack nodded to her while walking through and when he looked back he saw how she looked covered in the moons light 'Beautiful' was all he could think until the portal had closed.

Now standing in the school's dormitory backyard in the woods he began walking back towards the building and once he reached the last few trees a smell all too familiar hit his nose as he turned to his right and saw Kira leaning against a tree while staring at him.

"What are doing out here in the middle of the night Zack?" Kira asked while staring him down "Just a late night run" he replied back as silence filled the air "A run in the middle of the night?" She replied back to him in a tone that was asking him to confirm it "Yes, but more importantly why are you out here Kira? Last I checked it's almost curfew" He said while she crossed her arms and walked in front of him.

"Don't worry about me, what I'm curious about is that for a little while now Silas's men can't seem to ever be found even the hired ones..." She said while walking closer to him "And for somebody was out for a late night run, you have a speck of blood on your neck" She said while wiping it off and showing it to him.

"Why do you care about what I'm doing? I thought you hated him?"

"I do" She responded quickly "Whoever's helping you better be good, at least better than you." she said as he narrowed his eyes at her "Trust that I know what I'm doing," Zack said while walking off "Besides we have a big announcement in the morning, you should be getting some sleep." Zack finished saying while making his way back up to his shared dorm room.


They all stood inside the gym in their uniforms as they waited for the council to show up and give the big announcement, after a few moments a flash of light came and in it's place was a man in a black cloak with gloves to match while purple hair swayed back and forth for a moment and purple eyes looking at the crowd of students in front of him.

'Councilman Kyles' Zack said to himself as he watched him take a breath "Good morning students!" The councilman said as his voice boomed over everyone "I know that you're confused as to why you stand next to the royals today and the reason is simple." he said while holding his hands behind his back.

"Six out of the Ten kingdoms were wiped off the map, leaving only four kingdoms left to come together and strike at us" the councilman said as it caused everyone to talk and panic until the pressure in the room increased that made everyone quiet down "They do not know about this school but the fact is we have to protect our own even more now than ever, so we the council have came up with a solution." he said while waving his hand as a round metal object appeared on the ground.

"This is a teleporter that will lead you all to a new planet, we are entering a new era where we have to defend ourselves a lot more now and this is the way..." he said as he began walking out into the crowd and as usual he didn't touch the ground but stayed in the air "Are there any questions? I'll take a few." he said as some hands went up.

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