The unexpected

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Early morning Indra watched the sun rise as he stretched his body while holding his mask that everyone knew him for not ever seeing his real face.

'Spade' He thought to himself as he began to chuckle 'What a silly name to call myself' as he put the mask on the bed behind him.

'Maybe some food before the mission would be good it's still early and I doubt the girls are up' He said while jumping out the window and once he landed his clothes was a simple black compression shirt and black khaki cargo shorts with sandals.

The village was small but still lively, even still drowning in poverty they still make the best of their situation looking happy as they sold their goods and food to any willing customer.

Walking past the stalls he saw a variety of different foods and sweets he could try and once he stopped at a specific stall he reached for a stick of meat cooking on the grill and touched hands with someone and immediately looked over to his left to see another kid~ if he even can consider himself being a kid anymore given his current background.

His hair was jet black and straight nearly covering his eyes as he wore a brown shirt with green camouflage cargo pants with brown combat boots to complete the outfit as Indra furrowed his eyebrows.

'Is he in the army? If so why is he so...' He thought to himself while looking the guy over again for a second time 'Scrawny' he finished thinking as he grabbed the stick and gave it to him "Here, you need to eat this...I don't know what regimen the military is doing but you need to eat" Indra said as he nodded and took the stick from him.

Moments went by as they stood there as Indra waited for him to eat it so he himself could grab one "What exactly are you waiting for?" Indra asked as he looked up at him seeing his dark brown eyes near lifeless looking "I can't afford this...the military hasn't paid me yet...and I'm a cadet" He said while handing the stick back to Indra as he sighed while rolling his eyes.

Reaching into his pocket he flicked four silver coins to the guy behind the counter and grabbed three more off the grill and gave another to him "Don't sweat it, but you shouldn't be reaching where you can't afford don't you think?" Indra said to him as he watched him eat the rare grilled meat.

"Thank you for doing this for me, most wouldn't have" He said in between bites as they walked and once the wind blew that was when Indra noticed it as the scent hit his nose as his eyes shot straight onto the guy next to him.

'A vampire!? All the way out here, how is it possible!?' He thought as he got a little closer to him as sniffed the air and that was when he could tell given from his senses and the smell he was barely a regular vampire.

"So what's a vamp like you doing all the way out here?" Indra asked casually and in a tone that only he could hear as he watched him stop mid-bite of his food and looked over at Indra as they continued to walk side by side as his heartbeat started to increase.

"You can relax I'm not gonna hurt you or anything like that I'm just curious as to why someone like you is all the way out here" Indra asked as he knew that wasn't enough to get him to talk "The name's Spade, I know it doesn't do any good for my real name but you're actually the first person I've decided to give a name to my face in the open" He finished saying as he reached his hand out to shake.

"Samuel" He said while shaking his hand back and upon touch Indra could feel how weak he was and his senses wasn't playing tricks on him 'How is he a vampire and still so weak?' He thought to himself as he immediately remembered a special book he had took from a Vampire as he reached in his dimensional space and pulled it out.

"Hey man, I don't know you that well but I can tell you're not all that strong so maybe this'll help you out" He said while handing him the book as his face was in slight confusion until he opened the book and became shocked as he kept flipping through the pages then closed the dark red book.

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