The Brawl Begins

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They all was defeated as their bodies lay on the ground as the group of five lead by Mathew walked into the mini arena to welcome home their Master but only saw bodies of kids on the ground and Kyla trying to tend to them.

"Kyla!!" Mathew shouted as he ran up next to her as she was crying silently as her eyes was wide as if she was in shock trying to heal her daughter "Oh my god! Who did this!?" Jackie said angrily as she saw the limp body of Kira and her friends, and was highly fond of them.

She wasn't talking as her lips twitched over and over "What happened here Kyla?" Mathew asked as she looked up at him as he could see how broken she was in the eyes as he removed his black cloak and put it on her "Cecile heal the kids, David and Vince prepare them with Cecile to be transported into a more comfortable room, Jackie go get stretchers so we can carry them out" Mathew said as everyone began scrambling.

"H-H-He destroyed them...they was merely toys to him" Kyla said as her voice was cracked and full of sadness "Him? Do you mean Indra's new sibling?"

"That boy can't be no sibling of his!!!" She shouted gripping his suit with everything she had as her eyes were red and puffy as she could break down again at any moment "That child is a monster he ENJOYED what he did to them~ what he did to her!....." Her eyes began to water as everyone was frozen in place as she started sniffling.

"Indra has to kill him or else he will probably kill Indra....please Mathew don't let that boy get away with this *Starts crying loudly* please don't let him get away!!" She held Mathew closely as everyone started clenching their teeth because they knew they couldn't dare touch Master Siegfried's son as much as they wanted to help they couldn't.

"Cap, as much as we wanna correct this wrong...." Vince said as he balled his fists up "If we lay hands on the Master's son in a non training environment we could be in serious trouble" He said as they all knew that and in that same moment they could feel serious pressure as it was Indra standing in the doorway looking wide eyed at everyone as he walked over and saw the bodies of his friends that he forged a bond with.

For someone like him who was a orphan just having friends meant a lot and for someone to do this to them was disrespect to him directly as he felt everything in him not wanting to take this disrespect laying down.

"Oh, don't worry none of you will have to lay a finger on him" He said as squatted down "Because I'll kill him myself!!" He shouted as he jumped destroying the ground going through the ceiling.

"Oh no..." Mathew said as he quickly got up and looked at Kyla and the others "Take care of Kyla I'll go and make sure that Indra stays okay!" Mathew shouted as he jumped through the ceiling after him.

'I won't let you go that easily kid' He said to himself as he started running down the halls past the scared maids who pointed the direction for him, after turning a few corners he saw Indra and he was gonna make it a straight shot for Sir Cain and Silas.

"Sir Cain!! Move!!" Mathew shouted as he watched Silas get in a defensive position as Indra tackled him down the hall into the next room "Sir Cain, I apologize for the rude manner of my tone"

"Nonsense, I told Master Siegfried this would've happened if he had let Silas run reign on the kids but he didn't the brawl has begun and given the situation of the might just kill the other" Cain said as he frowned.

"Silas destroyed those kids purposely Sir, if we let him kill Indra~"

"Then he kills Indra, we can't interrupt their much as I want to we can't  but what we can do is make sure we can defend ourselves from him in the future" He said while walking away with his hands behind his back.

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