Aida Kingdoms Council

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Master Ronald stood in front of a mirror as he made sure he was presentable, he wore a black cloak that had fur on the wrists and hood as he had his Golden medal pinned to his left shoulder.

His short curly reddish brown hair was slicked back as he plopped a cigar into his mouth "And they said I can't make it work after twenty or thirty years" He said while chuckling to himself.

Once he made his way down the stairs he saw Ryan waiting patiently in the Guild's Uniform suit, Black blazer with a Golden tie and a Golden wolf on the left shoulder.

"You're looking sharp Ryan, as expected from my S-Class mage" A smile crossed his face but he suddenly remembered how not too long ago he didn't feel much like a S-Class mage.



"You all are a bunch a cowards!" Everyone watched Ryan shout at them as Kaitlyn and Gerald looked at him wide eyed as did the guild "Ryan shut up before you get us killed" A member shouted at him but it fell on deaf ears.

"You only pray on the weak because you're a bunch of spoiled brats who's pockets belong to their parents! You didn't have to work as hard as the rest of us and deem us weak, we ARE NOT WEAK" He shouted at them as his face held rage while his fists was balled up so tight that his knuckles could rip through his skin.


'Then he stepped in and saved me' Ryan thought to himself


Once they was gone Spade got rid of his lightning and to their surprise there was no sword at all in his right hand "You didn't have to do that" Ryan said to him as Spade didn't bother to glance at him "A simple thank you would be enough, but then again your pride and arrogance is enough for me" He said while walking away from him as I scrunched my face up.

"And what does that supposed to mean exactly?" Ryan said as Spade stopped in his tracks "It means you jeopardized your guilds safety over your selfishness and if it wasn't for your own selfishness it wouldn't rope another person into the fray" He said while Ryan was gritting his teeth.

"I am a S-Class mage! *Shouted Angrily* I prioritize my families safety above my own all the time!"

"For a S-Class mage period you've displayed actions of everything but in the S-Class category, you may have earned the title somehow but that doesn't mean you've lived up to its standards" He said while pointing a left index finger at him.

"I've seen people who wouldn't have lost their cool the way you did today, all because of your honor if that's what you really fight for" He finished while walking away from him.


He remembered those events in mere moments as Master Ronald approached him "Stop beating yourself'll never grow if you sit around and think you're the reason we almost lost our home"

"But I was Master pride could've..."

"Could've done nothing...your mouth does get you into a lot of trouble I won't deny that, every since you was a boy you've been a mouthy brat but a brat that'll protect his home" He said while letting out a puff of smoke.

He began to look around the guild hall as his eyebrows slowly started to furrow in confusion while making his way to the bar with Ryan in tow "Hey, have you two seen Eva and Lani by any chance?" He asked them as the brunette shrugged her shoulders.

"Honestly Master Ronald I have no clue"

"They left right after Spade did in the middle of the night last night" Raven said quickly and calmly as it made his eyes widen as did Ryan "What do you mean they "left" after he did?" Master Ronald said in a confused yet concerned manner.

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