Chapter 11: Visited

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The morning light enveloped Cloud Recesses, basking it with a glow that made it even more majestic than anything else. The place can be considered as the most beautiful and elegant place there is on the land.

It is already five and the disciples are awake now to prepare for the day. That includes the 10-year-old second young master of the Lan clan. Wangji swiftly tied the ribbon on his forehead and went out to go to the kitchen.

The disciples who are in charge with the preparation of breakfast exchanged look of confusion when they saw Lan Wangji entered the kitchen, headed to the table and picked up two pieces of big apples that barely fitted his hands. Wangji did not say anything, he just bowed slightly when he entered and bowed again when he left.

“The young master will eat two apples?” one of the Lan disciples asked out loud when Wangji’s already out of sight.

The sight they just witnessed is as rare as the red moon. Lan Wangji never eats much. A small slice of apple is normal for him, but two apples? What is happening to the young master? The disciples are in daze confusion.

Lan Wangji arrived at the back mountain where the waterfall is. He put two of the apples on a boulder and waited for his friend. It happens every time, this is how he always does this. He never calls out to the creature because it doesn’t even have a name and Wangji think it’s rude to call it whatever, that’s why he just remains silent and waits every moment. Aside from that, this is also the first time that he visited the jiaoren on daylight.

Wangji is excited to see his friend in the morning light but he doesn’t show it on his face.

His breath was caught on his throat when he saw black hair strands floating on the surface of the water. It’s like spilt ink. The jiaoren is not fully resurfacing, Its whole body still underwater except for the top of its head.

Wangji wondered for a second if the jiaoren is playing hide-and-seek but seconds passed and his friend’s still submerged in the water.

“What’s wrong?”

After what happened last night, it is not a surprise anymore that Wangji will panic. Is it the injury? Wangji sat on top of the boulder close to the lump of hair. He’s already bending down and reaching out to his friend in worry.

Wangji, “Are you okay?”

No one answered. The only reply that Lan Wangji received is the rising bubbles on the surface of the water. The jiaoren is talking to him underwater.

“I,” Wangji felt bad for feeling amused when just a few seconds ago he’s filled with worry, “don’t understand.”
Lan Wangji slowly put down the outstretched hand and used them to support himself while he’s leaning close to the water.

The next moment is like a scene from a terrifying night-hunt, a pale face covered with raven hair is slowly appearing in front of Wangji. This is probably the messiest state that he ever saw the jiaoren’s at. It’s terrifying even for a ten-year-old.

“It hurts,” the jiaoren mumbled behind the curtain of black hair that’s marring his face. “light hurts eyes.”
Wangji’s glad that the injury is not pestering his friend but he did not expect that the light is what’s causing the discomfort of his friend. This is a new discovery on his part.

“Too bright,” the jiaoren continues to whisper.
Lan Wangji doesn’t know where he took the courage to reach for the jiaoren’s face and parted the locks of hair blocking the creature. His hand accidentally brushes the cold ear of the jiaoren.

The boy held his breath when he finally saw the face of his friend and finding out that instead of blue and yellow orbs, silver grey eyes are there. But even if it’s a single color, it’s shining just as bright.

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