Chapter 30: Punished

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“Shufu...” With almost a beseeching whisper, Lan Wangji tried to explain. But he was cut off immediately by Lan Qiren’s stern voice.
“I did not give you permission to speak yet, Wangji.” His uncle declared, eyes staring down at Wei Ying’s form.
The latter’s playing with the hem of Wangji’s robes, head tipped low and lips into an adorable pout. Lan Wangji thinks that if they are alone in the room, the jiaoren would have been grumbling under its breath and throwing complaints about his uncle. Somehow between these times, Lan Wangji isn’t even thinking of the consequences of his actions, he’s rather busy staring at the sulking man beside him. And Lan Qiren isn’t oblivious to the emotions dancing in his younger nephew’s eyes.
“Have you forgotten all I’ve taught you, Wangji? Such act of indecency and to the Library Pavilion of all place!” Lan Qiren is trying his best not to bellow.
He huffed in suppressed anger. He can’t believe this is happening. Lan Wangji has been corrupted by this unknown man who’s claiming to be from the Unclean Realm but without any proof.
“Lan Wangji and this Gongzi, both of you shall receive your punishment. A hundred strikes will be sufficient.” Lan Qiren decided.
Upon hearing the decision of his uncle, Lan Wangji tried to object but when he saw the determined look in his uncle’s gaze, he knew he wouldn’t be able to change his mind.
“200,” he claimed.
“Wangji?” His uncle stared down at him with confusion.
“200 strikes,” Wangji stated. “On me. Not Wei Ying. I will carry his punishment.” Wei Ying whipped his head in his direction but the second jade of Lan remained bowing to his uncle.
“You,” Qiren pointed his trembling finger at Lan Wangji. This is the first time his nephew has countered his decision. Due to this, he completely missed the surname Wei. One of the reasons was also his denial of the blossoming relationship of the two, that any other word aside from ‘no’ were completely forgotten hanging in the air.
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying whispered clutching unto Wangji’s sleeve and trying his best to make out his expression amidst the blurry image.
Upon hearing the man’s murmur of his nephew’s birth name, Lan Qiren’s became even more furious.
“100 strikes for each of them. Carry out the punishment.”
“Shufu…” Lan Wangji tried to retort but his uncle was already walking out of the pavilion followed by Lan Xichen, silently convincing the elder to lessen the sentence. All have passed from Lan Qiren’s left ear to his right. He’s not open to negotiation. After he had left, two Lan cultivators came to escort both Lan Wangji and Wei Ying out to monitor their punishment. 
They were told to kneel in front of the Yashi. Both of them side by side, white robes contrasting with black ones. They have their heads bowed down as a sign of repentance. At each of their sides stood two cultivators holding long brown planks, the rules of Gusu carved on their surfaces.
“Both of you showed  lack of discipline and disobeyed several rules of the clan,” Lan Qiren started. “Therefore, you’ll both receive your punishment. Receive them and repent from your mistakes. Strike!” He ordered.
Wangji felt the first hit of the wooden plank on his back, they were strong enough to shake his lungs and leave hot trails on his skin and muscle. Despite this, he did not omit any sound to show that he’s hurting. As the cultivators count each hit, Wangji secretly gaze at Wei Ying’s form. He saw his every flinch. His brows forrowed, eyes close and lips in a tight line. Wangji can also hear a silent whimper from the jiaoren. When the numbers arrived at 10, Lan Wangji couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Using his left hand that was concealed by his robes’ long and white sleeve, he slowly grabbed Wei Ying’s left hand and gave it a firm squeeze.
He whispered in a very low voice, “Wei Ying, I’m here.”
Lan Qiren left after the punishment, not even saying a word, as well as the others. Only Lan Xichen was left because he’s concerned for both his littlw brothers. The second jade of Lan ignored the stinging pain on his back and immediately supported Wei Ying up. He snaked his right arm on his shoulders and his left hand hooked behind the jiaoren’s knees. He carried him releasing a small grunt. The stretch of the muscle intensified the pang of pain on his back. Wei Ying noticed this and told Lan Wangji that he can walk but the latter insisted.
“Wangji, A-Ying, you can go to the cold pond to abate your injuries. I know it was a harsh punishment but you know what Uncle is like, he’s really stubborn.” Lan Xichen explained.
Wangji hum in understanding and carried Wei Ying away.


“Lan Xichen, you have been here and witnessing all of this for quite a long time and yet you did not even inform me while I was away. Why is that so?” Lan Qiren questioned his older nephew.
“Shufu, Wangji is fond of A-Ying. I will not oppose anything that can make my little brother happy.”
Lan Qiren put his teacup down and looked at Xichen. “This is not right. He is the second young master of this clan. And if this gets out, what will others think about him? They will berate Wangji for being a cut sleeve!”
“And what is this rumor that that despicable boy is staying in the Jingshi?!” Lan Qiren added.
“Shufu, listening to gossip is forbidden.” Xichen retorted back.
“It’s not a rumor anymore if the whole clan is aware of it. You even condone such acts! Xichen, you are the acting-sect-leader. Sooner you will rule this clan, do not make an exception just because Wangji is your brother and just because you’re fond of that boy.” His sermon covered the entire room.
“Being a cut-sleeve will not do Wangji any good. You should consider that if you’re concern about Wangji’s welfare. He will be a laughingstock. Eveyone around him will curse and shame him behind his back.” He added.
“Shufu, Wangji would never care about what others think about him. He will only care about what you think about it. This is my little brother’s choice. And he’s very happy. You know you can never change Wangji’s mind. Shufu, please think about this and do not inflict more pain at those two. They’re just in love.” Xichen hoped that his uncle will somehow understand. He knows he loved Wangji just like his own child but he needs to hear him out.
Lan Qiren, “How did you even know Wangji loves that boy?! It could be just a passing attraction or lust. He’s young and inexperienced. He will grow and he will realize that he’s just confused about all of this. This will soon dis-”
“Is that what you see in Wangji’s eyes?” Lan Xichen asked that made Lan Qiren shut his mouth and stop. Lan Xichen knew that his uncle needs more time so he decided to give his bow and left the room.
Lan Qiren’s aware. He raised both of his nephews since childhood. Of course, he’ll know what emotions are dancing in Wangji’s eyes. How Wangji looks at that boy, those are the same gaze that he witnessed in his own brother, the clan leader’s eyes when he’s staring at his wife (Xichen and Wangji’s mom) back then. He doesn’t want Wangji to be consumed by such feelings and suffer like his father. Lan Qiren thought to himself.


At Qishan Wen, the clan leader is sitting atop his throne and drumming his fingers on his temple, contemplating after hearing the report of his eldest son, Wen Xu. It was confirmed that the jiaoren is at the Lan’s. His son is now asking for permission to raid the clan hidden behind the clouds.
“Send a letter to the Lans. Let’s ask them nicely to hand over their precious guest. Lan Qiren supervises the whole clan. He will give in right away if he’s thinking about Cloud Recesses’ safety.” Wen Rouhan smirked to himself.
Wen Xu bowed low and asked, “What if they refused?”
Wen Rouhan, “Let’s give them a week. If they can’t be asked nicely, then lead the army, burn Cloud Recesses to ashes and drag the jiaoren out. Even a rat will know which choice is better.”
Extra scenes: Deserted
Nei Huaisang, the blabbermouth that he is, rushed inside the room full of disciples preparing for the class. He immediately headed to Jiang Wanyin’s direction and stated in a loud voice.
Nei Huasaing: Lan Wangji will receive punishment of 100 strikes!
He said loudly enough for the whole room to hear. The listening disciples smirked and mumbled that he deserves it while others don’t care.
Jiang Wanyin: You’re annoying! So what? He can get punished here and then. He’s not perfect, you stupid.
Nei Huaisang: He will be punished with Wei-xiong!
Jiang Wanyin: What?!
Jiang Wanyin stood up, worry etched on his face and ready to leave the room. Several scrapes of tables echoed inside the room too.
Nei Huaisang: Why are you all standing?
Jiang Wanyin: You, Jin Zixuan! Why did you stand too? Why are all of you standing?
The disciples scratched their heads in embarassment, some of them coughing and red-faced.
Nei Huaisang: Aiyah, just leave them, Jiang-xiong. Let’s head there immediately. They don’t have the guts to cut class, ignore them.

Elder Lan teacher: Where are the others? Why are there only five of you here?
Inside the room lies white sheets of paper discarded everywhere. Brushes left behind and scrolls lying around. The silence is deafining and the remaining disciples mostly from Gusu won’t even answer. They can’t say that, the students left because they are concerned about a certain ‘Wei.’ Jin Zixuan wasn’t in the room too.

Author's note:

I'm back. 🙂 I hope I was missed, as well as my work. Please look forward for more chapters to come. I will have a lot of time now that the term had ended. Sorry for the delay. Have a great day everyone!

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