Chapter 12: Changed

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The first time that Lan Wangji noticed there’s something different was when he first visited Wei Ying. The scales covering his torso and shoulders have lessened. The next time, he noticed that the jiaoren’s teeth are no longer pointed and sharp. And then the scales on his upper body have disappeared completely leaving the pale and smooth skin.

Now that he’s 13 years old, there’s another change that occurred to Wei Ying.

“Wei Ying.” Wangji let out a huff and turned his gaze on Wei Ying who is pouting at him.

Lan Wangji, “I have to go.”

“Then go.” Wei Ying grumbled.

“Let go.” Wangji eyed the hands that’re holding a bundle of his robes. Pale and smooth hands, they’re not webbed anymore. They look like human’s.

“Aiyah, Lan Zhan, must you go right away? Can’t you stay here for a few more minutes?” Wei Ying tightened his grip on Lan Wangji’s robe and looked at Wangji with those blue, grey and yellow orbs that are shining and pleading for him to stay.

Lan Wanji answered, “It’s almost Haishi.” Even if he wants to stay, he can’t. It is against the rules.

“Hmp. Stingy.” To show that he’s greatly displeased, Wei Ying even turned his back on Wangji but still did not let go of the hems of Wangji’s robes.

“I will come again tomorrow.” Lan Wangji always visits the jiaoren. But sometimes he can only stay for a few minutes.

Wei Ying is seemingly contemplating whether or not to let go of Lan Wangji, he released him after a few seconds.

Wei Ying, “Make sure to stay longer tomorrow.”

How lonely must it have been for Wei Ying? He’s always alone in the back mountain, with no one to keep him company. Wangji can also guess that it must be the reason why Wei Ying is clinging to him every time when he’s about to leave. Sometimes, Lan Wangji is wondering if Wei Ying is starting to hate him and Cloud Recesses for restraining him at one place. He hopes that’s not the case.

“Mn.” Wangji replied. There’s nothing much to do tomorrow, he will have few classes in the morning and he’ll probably finish studying at the library pavilion before dusk. He can visit Wei Ying and stay until Haishi.

Wei Ying accepted Lan Wangji’s assurance and smiled while looking up at Wangji’s face. “I will wait for you, Lan Zhan.”

How many years has it been? And Wangji’s still oblivious about the hammering in his chest but he’s aware of the warmth creeping on his ears while witnessing the breathtaking smile of Wei Ying. He was out of focus that he did not notice the sly smile that appeared on the jiaoren’s face.

Wei Ying, “Lan Zhan?”

Lan Wangji blinked, “Mn?”

The jiaoren gesture for Lan Wangji to get closer. The latter is still out of it so he merely follows and lean over to catch up what Wei Ying is going to say.

Wei Ying scooted closer and supported his upper body up to be able to get close to Wangji’s confused face.

“Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying stated in a low whisper, then Wangji felt the cold hand softly squeezing his left earlobe.

“Your ears are red again. What are you staring at?” The jiaoren chuckled softly and Wangji lightly slapped Wei Ying’s hand away before composing himself and glaring at Wei Ying.

“Lan Zhan, am I pretty?” Wei Ying smiled widely at Lan Wangji but the latter know that the jiaoren is teasing him since he knows that Wangji is weak to his smiles.

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