Chapter 31: Gripped

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Lan Wangji isn’t in a good mood. He can’t even concentrate properly. After his uncle had discovered his relationship with Wei Ying, the grandmaster assigned a Lan disciple to keep eye on the both of them, more like a chaperone. He said it’s to keep the sanity of Lan Wangji, and to avoid distraction. Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji had no choice but to let the jiaoren stay in the guest quarters, as ordered by their uncle. He was supposed to be sharing room with the other guest disciples, however they have specifically chose a room that wasn’t occupied by anyone. If someone sees Wei Ying’s eyes in the dark, Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen don’t even know what they would do.
It seems like a whole day is enough for Lan Qiren to realize that he can no longer change his younger nephew’s mind. Instead of receiving critiques and judgements from prying eyes, the grandmaster decided to send a letter of proposal to Qinghe Nei Sect to make the relationship official. Lan Qiren almost had Qi deviation while he was writing the letter but he managed to finish it without losing his life. Oh, what Lan Wangji is putting his own uncle into.
Nei Huaisang, the know-it-all, found out about the letter that is meant to be delivered to the sect leader of Qinghe, his older brother. Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji kept their mouth shut when they had witnessed the younger Nei requesting that he’ll handle the delivery of the letter to his brother along with his personal mail. Lan Qiren didn’t need to ponder for a long moment and handed the letter to Huaisang. The twin jade remained silent during the whole ordeal. They’re not lying and technically did not break any rules. They just watched as the whole thing played out. The jiaoren was out loitering the Cloud Recesses with a distressed purple young master, much to Lan Wangji’s displeasure.
At their way to fetch Wei Ying, Nei Huaisang scooted closer to Lan Wangji’s side and said in a low voice to avoid being heard by the passing disciples.
“Wangji-xiong, you owe me big time now. Surely, this means I’m allowed to paint Wei-xiong. I’m even lying to my Dage just for this secret affair that you have.” Not to mention, your beloved is sorrounded by mystery, closely related to a myth. But Nei Huaisang decided to not say this. It will be an ace up his sleeve in case Lan Wangji refused.
Lan Wangji remained silent beside him but Huaisang somehow knew that he won. He rushed past Wangji muttering about colorful set of robes and flowers that he needs to buy somewhere in Caiyi.
“Jiang Cheng, when is Lan Zhan coming?” Wei Ying asked. He was sitting under a magnolia tree holding a pair of black and white rabbits. Nei Huaisang helped him catch them not knowing that Lan Wangji owns the pair. The jiaoren had almost eaten them back then, if not for Lan Xichen interrupting him and preventing him from doing the deed. After that, he asked Lan Wangji why he’s keeping rabbits if not for the purpose of eating. Lan Zhan just sighed.
“Shut up. You’ve been asking me the same question for almost twenty minutes. Why did they even leave you with me?” Jiang Cheng grumpily stated, although deep inside he’s quite happy to accompany the man.
Wei Ying just laughed at his complaints and proceeded to bully the poor rabbits that are struggling to free from his hands. He must have thought those are signs of affection, but no.
Jiang Wanyin sighed. He’s been accompanying the overly energetic man for almost an hour now. At the moment, they are resting. He’s standing and leaning at the trunk of the tree, his arms crossed on his chest and he’s silently watching the ball of energy playing with the rabbits.
Suddenly, the jiaoren remarked.
“What’s that smell? It’s making me hungry.”  
“What smell?!” Jiang Wanyin doesn’t smell anything. That was until Jin Zixuan passed by in front of them carrying a box.
“Aiyah~the smell is making my stomach grumble.” Wei Ying pouted before standing up and attempting to walk away to find Lan Wangji and ask for snacks.
The owner of the name stopped and he turned around to the direction of the voice.
“T-this. F-for you.” Jin Zixuan stuttered. His fingers slighlty trembling, holding the box of lou po beng towards the inquisitive man. Jiang Wanyin’s brows almost reached his hair line, seeing the gesture of the heir of Jin clan.
Wei Ying is still confused but it’s not hard to noticed the excitement blooming in his feature, “F-for me?”
Jin Zixuan nodded, but Wei Ying saw nothing but a blob of colors moving up and down since he can’t see his face clearly.
“I-it’s not like I specifically bought them in the town. S-someone gave them to me and I don’t really like sweets, s-so,”
“Thank you.” Wei Ying interrupted. Taking the box giddily and sprawling underneath the tree to enjoy the snack given to him by,
“What’s your name?” he asked.
Jin Zixuan cleared his throat before answering, his stance proud. “This disciple’s name is Jin Zixuan, heir to the Lanling Jin shi.” He introduced.
“Oh, you look like a peacock.” Wei Ying spouted in between eating. The shining colors of the robes that he can discern reminded him of a bird, so shiny that it glistens, at least that’s how it was described in the books.
Jiang Wanyin snorted and Jin Zixuan glared at him right away.
“Jiang’gongzi, I did not see you there.” Jin Zixuan commented.
Jiang Wanyin’s face became sour hearing that. “Jin’gongzi, I must say this action of yours isn’t very appropriate. I haven’t even seen you give something to my sister in all the years you two have been bethroted.”
Another man interrupted the scene, “So, you’re here. I have been looking for you everywhere.”
Jiang Wanyin and Jin Zixuan stopped their bickering at the sudden appearance of Wen Chao, along with his men strutting behind him. It was obvious to whom he is talking to. His eyes never leaving Wei Ying’s form. The latter already stopped stuffing his face with sweets when he heard the unattractive voice. Right now, he’s lifelessly looking at Wen Chao’s direction and slowly chewing his food with puffed up cheeks. It did not take several seconds before he ignored the presence and gazed at the pluff of black and white resting beside him.
Totally enraged by being ignored, Wen Chao took a step forward but was blocked by both Jiang Wanyin and Jin Zixuan.
“You dare?!” Wen Chao sneered at the two. Several of his men advanced towards them and pried them out of their young master’s way. Jiang Wanyin and Jin Zixuan were both being held in place by at least three Wen disciples each.
“Wen Chao, your arrogance is too much!” Jiang Wanyin snapped.
“My father will hear about this disrespect.” Jin Zixuan followed behind.
Wen Chao looked at the both of them with conceit. “You think I care?”
Wei Ying had already finished the treats once they were done talking. He immediately stood up, scooped two of the rabbits in his right arm and planned to escape the scene. He had almost succeeded but his left wrist was caught by Wen Chao with an alarming strength.
Wei Ying tried to pry his hold away but Wen Chao won’t let go. He even alarmingly got close to the jiaoren. His eyes roaming to Wei Ying’s body and steadying on his face.
He smirked, “I was told to go back to Qishan Wen. We’ll depart any minute now. As for you, I will give you one final chance to come with me. Instead of staying here in this dull and boring place with your stuck up second jade of Lan, you can come with me in Qishan and enjoy lavish things you could ever imagine.” Wen Chao prompted.
“I would be glad if you hadn’t given me a chance. But since you asked, absolutely NO. And Lan Zhan isn’t stuck up, he’s funny.” Wei Ying answered and once again tried to wrestle his wrist away but Wen Chao tugged at his arm in dismay.
“You are really making me angry. You entice everybody with your appearance and lure them in, even though you’re a man. What a wench you are.” Wen Chao added.
Jiang Wanyin and Jin Zixuan spluttered curses at Wen Chao.
“I don’t know what wench is. But based on your description, I can agree. I must be a wench but I’m Lan Zhan’s wench.” Wei Ying grinned and the rabbits in his arms trembled away from sleep, peering at the glaring eyes of Wen Chao.
The grip in his wrist tightened. Wen Chao pulled Wei Ying and dragged him away from the struggling Jiang and Jin disciples.
“What the hell, let me go!” Wei Ying shouted.
“If you’re not going willingly then I will take you by force. Let’s see if your Lan Wangji can do something about it.”
“You greasy man. Fucking let me go!” The jiaoren shouted.
A gentle breeze went pass Wei Ying and in the blink of an eye Lan Wangji’s already beside him.
Lan Wangji’s arms encircled Wei Ying’s lithe waist, Bichen was out of it’s scabbard. The shiny and almost translucent blade placed on Wen Chao’s neck, waiting.
“Let go.” Lan Wangji’s cold voice sending shivers down to everyone’s back.

Extra scene: Hand
Lan Wangji: Wei Ying, eat your lunch properly.
Wei Ying: Huh? I’m already doing that. I even ate the spinach.
Lan Wangji: Your stance,
Wei Ying: Aiyah~Lan Zhan, I’m sitting straight and holding my chopsticks well. What’s wrong with my stance?
Lan Zhan with reddened ears: Not your chopsticks, your other hand…
Wei Ying pretending to be dumb: What other hand?
Lan Zhan reciting the rules inside his head: …Wei Ying, your hand, move it away.
Wei Ying still playing dumb: Huh?
Lan Zhan putting his chopsticks down and reaching for Wei Ying’s hand dangerously wandering somewhere: This hand…
Wei Ying: He he he, so stingy Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan continuing to eat: Dine properly.
Wei Ying: Tsk. I just want to check.

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