Chapter 18: Arrived

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Lan Wangji is sitting quietly while the representatives of each clan present their gift to the grandmaster. They brought books, porcelain and silks as way of gratitude for the opportunity that were given to them.

It was the Yungmeng Jiang's turn to pay their respects when a group of cultivators wearing blaring red robes with the symbol of the sun arrived. The Lans knew about the participation of few cultivators from Qishan Wen sect, but what they did not expect is that, Wen Chao is among them.

The second-born son of Wen Rouhan stood there in the middle of the Lanshi. There, he's towering proud as if he owns the entire place. Wen Chao barely even glanced around, there's a smug smile on his face.

"We are not aware that Wen-gongzi will be attending the lecture. We apologize for this matter. Since you are already here, feel free to go to your designated seats." Lan Xichen who's standing beside Lan Qiren handled the situation in a soft manner.

"Who said I'll be taking classes with these bunch of lowly cultivators?" Wen Chao gallantly said without care.

Hearing the insult, murmurs erupted in the whole room. Some of them are louder than necessary, that it reached Wangji. "The Wen's are really arrogant." "If he's not here for the lecture, then what could it be?"

It dawned on Wangji, what the others are saying totally makes sense. Wen Rouhan is a proud sect leader who views other clans as inferiors. To let one of his sons receive a lecture from the Lans seems suspicious.

"I am here to supervise the learning of our disciples. We can't have the Lan clan teach them unnecessary lessons."

Wangji had the urge to stand up and defend the name of his clan and the reputation of his uncle but his older brother gave him a cautious look and slowly shook his head. He's telling Wangji not to do anything.

Lan Xichen, despite the discourteousness that was thrown by Wen Chao, smiled softly, but Lan Wangji can see the tense muscle in his jaw. He knows that the acting sect leader is holding back too.

Lan Xichen explained, "I understand that the Wen disciples need supervision, but I am afraid Wen-gongzi, you cannot stay here in the Cloud Recesses for a year if you are not here for the lecture. A month will be sufficient enough for your 'supervision'."

Wen Chao's nose flared when he realized that Lan Xichen has the courage to defy the Wens. His hand creeped on the hilt of his sword, "How dare – "

"The Qishan Wen sect understands. I apologize in behalf of my cousin. The different temperature of the mountain must have gotten in his head causing him to be this impolite."

"Wen Qing!" Wen Chao raised his voice at the girl who interrupted him juat a few seconds ago.

Lan Wangji observed how the girl with long black hair, and strong pair of eyes glared minutely at Wen Chao and whispered in a very low voice no one had the chance to hear. Unexpectedly, Wen Chao backed away and left to head to the guest chambers. What Wen Qing said to him, made him step down to the increasingly tensed atmosphere in the Lanshi.

"Once again I apologized for the show of lack of discipline on our clan. I am Wen Qing and this is my younger brother, Wen Qionglin, we belong to the branch family of the Qishan Wen sect and are here for the lecture. Please accept this gift as a sign of our respect."  Aside from being eloquent, the girl is also beautiful.

Several cultivators from other clans are already throwing side glances at the woman, Wangji thinks she's just average and isn't really interested.

The lecture began and ended nearly at dusk. Lan Wangji headed to the library pavilion to write the daily report and after that he will have to patrol the area for any law breaker. He already had someone in mind who will definitely disregard all the rules of the Cloud Recesses, but he's glad that the person will only have to stay for a month.

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