Missing You

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" Hey, Krux." " What Acronix?" " Remember Chico?" Krux looked at his younger brother, " Why are you bringing up Chico?" " Because I just randomly remembered him." " Ok? I do remember Chico. Why wouldn't I?" " I don't know, we were kids." " Chico lasted a long time Acronix. We were teens and Chico was still alive." " That is true." Krux shook his head and sighed. He checked on the swords. " Hmm, Acronix. Stay here. I'll be back." "Ok, Krux." He watched his brother leave the base. Acronix went over to the swords and tampered with them. Replacing bits and pieces so it wasn't all chronosteel. He didn't want the ninja to lose their powers, meaning having the swords have less chronosteel. He replaced the parts of chronosteel with normal metal. He got rid of the chronosteel and laid down on the ground. He closed his eyes and rested his head in his arms. He tried to get some sleep since he just wanted the days to pass and to be with Borg again.


Oh how he missed him. He missed him so much, so very much. He couldn't deny the fact he had developed a small crush on the inventor. His smile was the purest thing. His laugh was the most adorable thing. He loved how Borg styled his hair. How smart he was. Just everything about him was amazing. Acronix smiled widely as he thought about Cyrus. He wanted to just be with him again and hold him. To kis- " Brother!" Acronix jumped at the sudden sound of Krux's voice. " Wha!?" " Are the swords ready?" " I don't know." He said standing up. Krux checked on the swords then took them out of their molds. He then sharpened the swords, putting handles on them. " Be careful brother, they aren't as strong by themselves. You know since we aren't blacksmiths." " I know Krux." " Tomorrow. We find the Ninja and give them a taste of their own medicine." Krux smirked as Acronix sighed. Acronix sat on a chair and looked at his brother. He played with a pencil on the table. Rolling it back and forth. His mind went back to Borg. 

He probably hates him at this point. Probably thinks he willingly went with his brother. That he was just using him. Just like he had in the past. Acronix put his head in his hands.  He was a horrible person. Not deserving of anything. Just a weak little boy, hurt by anything. Acronix started to tear up. He wasn't worthy of having Borg's friendship. He wasn't worthy of being Krux's twin. He wasn't worthy to be the Master of Time. He wasn't worthy to be his parent's son. Acronix bit his lip and got up. " I-I'm going to walk around the sewers," Acronix announced and quickly walked out of the room before Krux asked anything. He didn't want his twin to see him crying. Acronix walked far from the base and sat on the side. He put his head in his knees. He let his dark thoughts consume him.

After a bit, he heard the sound of crying. Acronix perked up and listened closely. He got up and walked to where he heard crying. When he got closer, he saw a little Hypnobrai curled up in a corner, crying. Acronix walked over to the young snake and bent down. " Niño? Are you ok?" The snake looked up at Acronix. " N-no, I d-don't know where t-to go. I-I'm lossst!" The boy cried. Acronix smiled at the boy. " I'm lost too. Why don't we look for home together." He held out his hand. The snake looked at his hand then back at Acronix. The snake wiped his eyes and smiled. He took Acronix's hand and he pulled him up. They started to walk together. " What'ssss your name kid?" Acronix asked. " Im Sssscalesss Jr.! What's yoursss?" " My name is Arconix." " Nice to meet you, Acronix!" The two of them talked and made jokes. Soon enough, Scales Jr. found his way back home. " Well, this looks like home kid." " But you're losssst too!" " Kid, I'm lost but not in the way you think. I kinda know my way home." He pat Scales Jr.'s head. " Your parents are probably worried about you. " " Can you come in with me? I want you to meet my dad!" Acronix smiled, " Sure kid." Jr. took Acronix's hand again and led him inside. 

Acronix looked around the place as Scales Jr. led him through the serpentine's home. A few serpents looked at Acronix. Some amazed, but most looked in disgust. He put his head down and tried to not make eye contact. "Daddy daddy!" Jr. said to an older Hypnorai. " Yes, Jr.?" The serpent turned around and gasped. He pulled Scales Jr. away from Acronix. He picked up Jr. and hissed at Acronix. " Jr. are you ok!? Did he hurt you?" He said worriedly. " No daddy! He helped me get home! I was lost and so was he so he helped me get home! Be nice daddy!" Scales Jr.'s father, who Acronix assumed was Scales, looked at his son then Acronix with wide eyes. " You helped him?"  "He was crying and lost. I couldn't just leave him." Scales put down his son. " I'm ssssorry for instantly bring rude. " "It's fine, I did horrible things. I deserve it." Scales looked at Acronix for a second before telling his son to go play. The boy happily ran off to play with his friends. 

" Acronix, what did my sssson mean when he said you were losssst asss well?" " Well uh, lost in my own head. " " How come?" " Just thinking about regrets, who I am, what I've done. How I don't deserve anything." "What are your regretsss?" " I regret everything. Turning against the elemental masters, forcing people to work for us, trying to take over Ninjago. All that jazz. " " You regret it?" " Yeah, I didn't even want to do any of it. I just, I do everything my brother says. He is all I have." " Why not go with the ninja?" " Because Krux will manipulate me to get me back on his side. He isn't the best brother sometimes. I want to go with the ninja and try to be better. I was becoming a better person actually! But then I went to see my brother and he forced me back to the evil side." Scales put a hand on Acronix's back, " Acronix, you need to find your voice. You are your own perssson. He doenssn't control you." Acronix smiled at the snake. " Thanks Scales, I should get going. Krux is probably wondering where I am." " Your welcome. And remember, you are your own perssson." Acronix nodded and started to leave. "Acronix!" He heard a voice call out. He turned around as Scales Jr. hugged his leg. He smiled and bent down giving the boy a proper hug. " Will you come vissssit!? Pleease!!" He smiled, " Sure niño." " huh?" " It is the boy version of child in Spanish. Niña is the girl one."  " Oooh, when you come back, can you teach me Sssspanisssh." Acronix gave a little laugh, " I would love it. I have to go Jr. I'll see you soon. Bye-bye." Jr. pulled away, " Bye-bye!" Acronix waved and left the serpentines home. He started his walk back to the base.

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