The Past

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The box that held Yesterday's Tea was dropped off at the run-down house. The deliverer knocked on the door and left. A few minutes later, Krux opened the door just enough to slide the box in. He shut and locked the door, picking up the package and setting it on the table. He used an old rusty knife to cut the tape and took out the jar of Yesterday's Tea. Krux laughed and opened the jar.

Acronix had forced himself to work on his little toy car. He started to add a cover to it as well as figure out colors and details. He was mainly doing this to distract himself from his brother. Pixal had come to hang out with them for a bit before returning to the search. It was nice to see the robot for a bit. She was always so nice.

" Acronix?" Borg snapped his fingers in front of his lover's face. " Huh? Yeah?" " You ok? I kept saying your name but you weren't responding." " Sorry, Borg. What's up?" Brog looked at his computer screen. " I just got an email but it's in Spanish, can you translate it?" Acronix nodded and looked at the email Borg pulled up. 

" It says one two three the clock ticks down. Three two one the clock ticks back. The younger the older and the older the younger. Four five six your life ticks down. Old to new, new to old. Say goodbye, you wont have long." Acronix readout confused. " Who would send that?" Borg shrugged, " I have no clue, it doesn't say who sent it." Borg clicked on a part of the email but it deleted itself. 

The two males looked at the screen confused. " How. How did it just delete itself?" Borg questioned and tried to get the email back but couldn't. Cyrus's computer glitched and shut itself off. " What is going on?" Borg mumbled and turned his computer back on. An image of the Overlord but as the Golden Master appeared but glitched out, returning to a black screen with a light blue smiley face on it. 

" Oh dear please don't tell me this is the Overlord's fault. I thought Zane got rid of him." Borg panicked a bit. " Overlord? Isn't that the things that fought the First Spinjtizu Master once he made Ninjago?" Acronix asked. Borg nodded, " Yes, but then he returned. He possessed Garmadon and tried to take over Ninjago. Lloyd was able to defeat him though. I decided to build this tower on top of where the Overlord was defeat though, to show evil that we will always stand up to it. But that was a mistake. The Overlord's ashes still remaining and he was trapped inside the Digiverse I was making. The Overlord trying to take over Ninjago again. I gave the Ninja these weapons called Techno Blades which could hack into what the Overlord possessed." Borg explained.

" But the Overlord found out I gave them the Techno Blades, to make sure I didn't betray him again." Borg rolled up his sleeve a bit to show more of his robotic arm, " He replaced parts of me so I could be like the rest of the technology in Ninjago, under his control." He rolled his back down. " He also took advantage that I was disabled. I had these mechanical legs that he used to not only move around but later attack me. The Overlord's wish was to use Lloyd's golden power he had at the time to get out of the Digiverse. He successes and got the Golden Weapons to become the Golden Master. Zane had died to defeat the Overlord after that. And that's the short story of the Overlord." 

Acronix looked at Borg with wide eyes. " So that's why your arm is robotic. But wait, Zanes alive. What do you mean he died?" " Well he did, but he was rebuilt and I believe the Ninja went to some island to get him back. I don't remember the whole story." Acronix nodded. " Wait, so you were creating a digiverse? What was that like?" " It was like a video game but you were inside it. Or well, you felt like you were inside it. " " So technology was more advanced than it was now?" 

Borg nodded. " Ninjago was full of technology. There were hover cars, rodes built from code, robots, so much! It was beautiful but I got rid of most of it after the Overlord. If he could hack into it all, who's to say someone else couldn't." Acornix oh-ed before asking more and more questions. Borg was happy to answer all of them. There were a lot of what happened in the past and about the technology. Also a few about Borg's robotic parts which Cyrus brushed over those quickly since he didn't like talking about it much.

It was a good 20 minutes of questions before Borg's computer returned to normal. No more smiley face but there was a notepad opened. ' Not Overlord.' That was what was written on it. Borg sighed, relieved it wasn't him. " It's still a threat, but not the Overlord thankfully." Borg straightened his glasses. " We should tell the ot-" Acronix was cut off by Pixal bursting into the room from the stairs. 

" Krux was spotted near the Caves of Betrayal! " Pixal said quickly. Acronix stood up quickly. " He was!?" " Yes! The witness who saw him said he appeared younger than before. He had black hair instead of grey and it parted differently." " Krux is, younger? But how?!" " I have no clue but we need to get going. The Bounty to ready to take off and we need all the help we can get!" Pixal took Acronix's hand. Acronix glanced at Borg. " I want to come with. Not to fight but I'll be on the Bounty. Just in case." " Bo-" " Then let's go!" Pixal took the handles of the wheelchair and they rushed out of the tower.

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