Hidden Rooms

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Acronix told Zane of a few places Krux may be. Zane passed this information to the other Ninja. The Nindroids and Acronix started on the path to Krux and Acronix's childhood home. It was a long walk until they made it to the small village. Acronix smiled remembering the good times. He sighed and walked to his old home. Zane and Pixal followed behind him. " This is your home?" Pixal questioned seeing the run down and old house." Yeah, it was a lot prettier in the past. Nature took its course on it." He put a hand on the wall before opening the door. Acronix walked inside and looked around. He led the robots to a closet. Zane was about to ask what he was doing but Acronix bent down and opened a small hatch that was the entire floor of the closet. Zane gasped as Acronix put a finger to his mouth. " Come on" He whispered.

Pixal, Zane, and Acronix walked down the small staircase that led into a large room. Weapons and armor were hung on the walls. Large paintings here and there as well as a long table in the middle. Acronix noticed that the dust has been disturbed as well as some armor missing. Not to mention the weapons too. " Krux has already been here." He sighed. " May I ask why this is here Acronix?" Zane asked looked at the paintings. " My Father was an Elemental Master, the past Master of Time. He made sure they were a secret hideout in his home just in case. Armor and weapons for our safety." Acronix dusted off the old table. The symbol of time was carved into the middle of it. " Is your Father the man in this painting?" Pixal asked looking at a painting of a man with a monocle that looked like a clock and hair pushed to one side. Acronix nodded. " Yes, that's my Father, Kronos was his name." Acronix walked next to Pixal and put his hand on the painting. 

Acronix's hands glowed red, yellow, green, and blue for a second as the painting of his father moved to the side. " Huh? What the?" Acronix started at the small crawl space. Zane walked over as Acronix went threw. He was small enough to get past thankfully. He entered the tiny room and saw many notebooks and journals stacked up. As well as pictures and small things Acronix and Krux made for their Father.

 Acronix smiled looking at all the stuff before spotting something that didn't fit. He bent down and picked up a phone that was laying on the ground. He turned it around and saw that it was shattered and broken. " Acronix? What did you find?" Zane asked. Acronix took the case off of the phone and saw a small picture of himself in it. The words te amo was written in the corner.

 " I found notebooks and pictures as well as I think Borg's phone." Acronix crawled through the small entrance and showed the robots the phone but not the picture. " The case looks like Borgs, and the fingerprints match. But why would Borg's phone be there?" Pixal asked no one in particular. " Maybe Krux wanted to hide it thinking no one would find it here?" Zane suggested and they just went with that. Pixal frowned. " If Krux hurts even a single hair on my father I will kill him." She said angrily before realizing what she said. She turned to Acronix, " Sorry Acronix." " It's ok Pixal, come on, let's go there is nothing else here." The other two nodded and started to head out. Acronix looked at the painting of his father and put it back in place. " Thank you, Papa." He smiled before leaving as well.

The group of three left the old home and Acronix glanced into the distance. " Hey guys, I'll be right back." Pixal nodded as Acronix walked off. He walked to the semi-hidden spot where his parents were buried. He bent down and looked at the graves. "Lo siento mamá, papá. Lamento haberme quedado tontamente con Krux y convertirme en un villano. Lamento haber permitido que esto continuara durante tanto tiempo. Pero llevaré a Krux de vuelta al lado derecho, por favor ayúdame a encontrarlo. Se ha llevado al hombre que amo. Y los quiero a ambos de vuelta."( Sorry mom, dad. I'm sorry I foolishly stayed with Krux and turned into a villain. I'm sorry I allowed this to continue for so long. But I'll take Krux back to the right side, please help me find him. He has taken the man I love. And I want them both back.) Acronix closed his eyes and teared up. He stood up after a bit. " Gracias, mama, papa, I will visit you soon. When I do, I'll have Krux with me." He wiped his eyes and smiled. He turned away and started to walk back to Zane and Pixal.

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