Please, Just come back Por favor

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Krux walked around the labyrinth that was the caves in search of the last 2 groups. He didn't search long before he found Zane and Lloyd. Their voices bounced against the walls making it easier to find him. Just like Pixal, Zane instantly they weren't alone. He took out his shurikens and Lloyd took out his sword after seeing Zane taking out his weapon. Krux silently approached from behind them but didn't walk long before the two turned around and spotted him. " There you are." Lloyd frowned.

Krux smiled, " Before I finish you two off, where is my brother?" " Like we'd tell you." Lloyd scoffed and got ready to fight. Krux had to be more careful with these two. Unlike the other 4, Zane could summon ice which is sturdy and physical than something like fire. And Lloyd was the strongest Ninja of the 6. Krux ran at them and went to strike them but Zane summoned a pillar of ice which caught Krux's katana. The katana got stuck in the ice and Krux tried to pull it out. 

Lloyd's hands shined green as he summoned a ball of energy. He threw it at Krux. But Krux moved behind the ice so when the ball of energy hit, it broke the pillar. Krux held his katana tighter and glared at the White and Green Ninja. " You should have never come to stop me. Now Ninjago will have to say goodbye to their salvadores." Krux took a step closer which made Zane and Lloyd get ready to fight back. Krux smirked and stabbed his katana into the ground. This confused the boys but their confusion didn't last long for the ground under them broke and they fell in. 

Krux smirked and looked into the hole that Zane and Lloyd fell in. He stomped on the ground making it break more, creating a small broken stairway for him. Krux stepped down and looked at the boys. Lloyd groaned in pain since he landed on a bunch of sharp rocks. He held his head and swayed slightly as he got up. " Nuh uh uh." Krux sliced at Lloyds wrist. He stumbled back at the sudden pain. He fell back onto the rocks and passed out from whatever Krux laced his blade with as well as the pain. Zane froze the ground and made Krux slip.

Krux growled and tried to get back up but Zane held him down with a staff of ice he made. " Stay down Krux!" Zane yelled. " Why don't you just shut off, like that other worthless robot." Krux scoffed. Zane gasped, " Pixal? What did you do to her!?" " Just like I did to the rest of your friends." Krux kicked Zane off of him, grabbing his staff and smashing it against Zane's head. Zane's sensory glitched and so did his vision. " Night night, you won't open your eyes again."

" Cole something happened I know it." " Calm down Acronix. If anything happened it's that the others found Krux and defeated him." The Master of Earth tried to calm down the Master of time with no luck. Acronix looked at his hands and clenched them into fists. " I doubt they defeated him." Acronix sighed. Cole shook his head. " Maybe you should listen to Acronix." The two gasped and looked behind them to see Krux. " He's been nothing but right." 

Acronix looked at the katana the Krux held and frowned at the blood-stained on it. Cole also noticed and got really angry. " What did you do with my friends!" " Locked away, never for you to find them. Acronix," Acronix looked at his twin. " Either you come back with me, leaving behind the Ninja and Borg, or you join the Ninja and say goodbye to Ninjago." Acronix took a step back. He looked at Cole then back at Krux. He already knew his answer, just not ready to fight his brother. " The other one saying goodbye is you, brother. Mama and Papa wanted us to be good, to protect the citizens of Ninjago. Instead, you turned on them and the elemental masters!" " You did as well!" Krux took a step forward, pointing his katana at Acronix. " I didn't want to! I did it for you because I was scared of losing you hermano!" ( brother) Acronix shouted. " But I was given a chance to change, a chance to be good. I took it because I never wanted to be like you. I wanted to make Papa proud. And I did, I have our elemental because I proved myself."

Acronix walked closer to his brother, motioning for Cole to find the others. Cole got the signal and ran off. " Krux, what are we?" " Brothers, twins in fact. " " Really? You certainly don't act like my brother." Acronix crossed his arms. Krux lowered his katana, feeling a tad bad and guilty. " I thought brothers were supposed to be there for each other, no matter what. I thought brothers accepted each other for who they are. I thought brothers listened to each other. I thought you were my brother. But you have done none of those things. You forced me to go back with you and be evil. You kidnapped my boyfriend and hurt my friends. Who even are you Krux? you're nothing like how you used to be." 

Krux looked at the ground and the tip of his katana hit the ground. " But you can change." Krux looked back up. " You can be good again." Acronix smiled and held out his hand. " Be good? " Krux shook his head side to side quickly and glared at his brother. " Have you forgotten that it's the Elemental Master's fault that our parents are gone!" " It's not their fault!" Acronix shouted back.  " Other people got hurt and also died Krux! The others had other people they wanted to protect but they had to fight together because we were stronger together! We couldn't be by Mama and Papa's side nor could the others couldn't be by their family's. It's not their fault! You Mocoso terco!" ( Stubborn brat) 

Acronix huffed and looked at his brother, " And our element isn't the strongest. The Chen guy lied to you!" " They feed you lies brother!" Krux went to attack his own brother but Acronix froze him in a time bubble, slowing him down. He walked over and grabbed his katana, pulling it away from him. He let time resume and Krux stumbled a bit. " My offer will forever be open for the day you realize you were wrong and want to come back to the good side." Acronix pointed the katana at his brother. Krux took a step back before fleeing. Acronix sighed and turned around, calling out for Cole and the others.

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