chapter 32

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hey guys!xx so here is another update for y'all.. this is quite a loooooonng one because i have literally written loads and loads recently !! :) And stuff is actually happening now ayyy!! anyways, here is chapter 32!!!


I was trying to be as understanding as i could. I know this must be hard for him and the last thing he wants and needs is me being a complete dick to him. 

His hug meant everything to me. He seemed a little happier since i started talking to him again.

"I'm sorry i didnt really talk to you at all yesterday, it was the time you needed me most and i wasnt there for you" I stared into his eyes, which still were full of sadness, but looked a bit brighter now "I'm a shit friend"

"You're not" Jack half smiled

I smiled, "Now lets get food" I said heading for the kitchen, "What do you want" I turned to see a very worried looking Jack

"Um.." He hesitated

"You dont have to eat a lot, i just need to see you eat"

"I'll just have some toast then" Jack seemed to calm down a little

I smiled at him and turned to make him toast and make myself a ham sandwich. 

Jack's toast was done pretty quickly so i went to the living room and handed it to him and went back to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich.


Jack handed me the toast and then went back into the kitchen. I really didnt want to eat so i decided to just put the slice of toast in my near-by backpack which was on the floor. 

Jack was a little while in the kitchen and so i took the plate back into the kitchen

"Thanks" I said putting the plate on the side

"You feel better?" Jack turned to me

I faked a smile, "Yes"


It was so nice to see Jack smile and it was good to know that he had actually eaten something. He left the kitchen and it sounded like he went back upstairs. 

I sat down on the couch and ate my sandwich. Once i was finished i was going to get my jacket out of my bag because i had agreed to meet with Cam as he was finding it hard to cope, what with Y/N being Chloe's best friend and he didnt know what to do and how to cope. From what he had said to me already it seemed that Chloe was in a bad way since Y/N took her life. 

I went down to get my bag and it was gone. Maybe it was in the kitchen. I got up and it wasnt there either. So i went upstairs and sighed deeply, but it still wasnt there. Where the hell was it? 

"Jack" I went into Jack's room to see my bag on the floor next to his bed and Jack sat on the bed staring down at his phone crying.

"Are you ok?" This was a really stupid question to ask to be honest

He just looked up at me, his eyes blood shot and full of tears, "I'm fine" He whispered

I shook my head, i didnt really want to ask what was wrong now to be honest, sometimes its best to just leave people who are griefing. Its so sad because he's griefing yet he barely got to know Y/N. But thats porobably what hurts the most. 

I took my bag from the floor and was about to open it when Jack's eyes darted up at me and before i could know what was happenening he had snatched the bag out of my hand and has sprinted downstairs

"WHAT THE FUCK" I shouted and rushed down and just as i got to the bottom of the stairs jack emerged from the kitchen and handed me my bag.

"Sorry" He simply said and pratically pushed passed me to get back upstairs. 

I opened the bag and took out my Jacket, but there was crumbs on it. I know what this is, I darted up the stairs and burst into Jack's room.


Jack burst into my room holding his jacket

"You havent eaten have you?" Jack sat on the side of my bed

I didnt say anything and just carried on staring at the only picture i had of Y/N on my phone

"Jack, please you need to eat" 

I continued to ignore Jack, tears began to fill my eyes again

"JACK!" Jack shouted and snatched my phone out of my hand

I snatched it back off him without saying a word. I just gave him a death glare

"Jack, please you need to try and move on. You cant live like this" Jack stared at me

I looked up from my phone, put it in my pocket and took a deep breath, "I'm sorry" Is all i managed to say

"Its not me you should be apoligising too, its yourself. I have already eaten today" He stood up and walked to the door, "I'm meeting up with Cam, do you want to come?" 


I know it was probably i stupid question to ask but i thought i would ask anyway.

"yeah" He simply said and got up to put his shoes on


I suppose Cam was going through something similar to what i am because Y/N was Chloe's best friend. So i thought i would be a good idea to actually get out of the house, which is the hardest thing for me at the moment. After what happened when i tried going out for lunch earlier with Jack.

"You dont have to" Jack turned to me just as he was about to open the front door

"I want to" I said to him

Jack opened the door and i pratically had to force myself out

"Are you ok?" He must have seen the uneasy expression on my face

"Yeah" I half smiled to reassure him, the truth was i was screaming inside and was ready to jump back into the house. 

"Its only round the corner" Jack reassured me

I nodded, we turned the corner and there he was, just standing in the middle of the road with his back to us. Thats when i lost it, I couldnt see this guy and then not throw a punch at him so I ran and jumped on him, pushing him to the ground and sat on top of him, punching him in the face in time with my words, "YOU KILLED MY GIRL!"

"OI, calm down!" Jack ran and tried pulling me off him

"FUCK OFF JACK THIS MURDERER DESERVES IT!" I pratically screamed and carried on punching him. 

Soon my arm began to ache and so i got up and started kicking him in the ribs

"Please" Nash begged

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" I spat down at him as i continued to kick him, "YOU PIECE OF SHIT"

Soon i heard cirens, but i carried on. The cops could arrest me if they wanted to, but Nash was the real criminal.

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