chapter 25

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Hey guys!!xx thought i would do a mid week upload, seeing as i have really been doing short updates a lot so far! I have written a lot, its getting exciting again now.. well at least im trying to make it more exciting!! This is a bigger update too and im hoping to update again on Friday because im writing loads again now. Anyway, here is chapter 25:

Chloe continued to talk to Cam whilst i tried on my various 'winter clothes' i had brought.

"ok, i love you. bye!" Chloe put the phone down eventually.

"Is everything o-" But i couldnt finish my sentence as Chloe ran up and hugged me.

"Thank you so much" She whispered in my ear. 

"Now, im hungry" I said letting her go

"Same" She laughed, so we went downstairs and got some food

"How are you and Nash then?" Chloe asked browsing the contents of the fridge

"Um... well we split up" I said frowning, "It wasnt his fault. I split up with him"

"What?!" Chloe shut the fridge

"I know"

"But why? You were cute together!" 

"I know, but since that 'get together' we had at Cam's house i just..i dont know.." It was so hard to word it

"Just say it" Chloe came right up to me

"Well, i just felt so much more attracted to Jack, and he said he liked me and it just feels right to be with him and not Nash" I explained

"So you broke up with Nash to be with Jack?"

"Yeah..." I said looking down at the floor

"What did Nash think of it all?"

"Well he was upset, obviously, but i cant help that. If i want to be with someone else he cant stop me" I said, trying more to convince myself that it was that right thing to do. 

"I suppose" Chloe sounded unsure,"Which Jack?"

"Johnson" I simply said and carried on making myself a sandwich. We both ate and then I decided it was time to go home. 

"Well it was such a good day today, thanks" I said, hugging her on her doorstep 

"Thats ok, i cant thank you enough for getting me and cam back together" 

"No problem" I laughed.

"See you soon" Chloe shut the door and i turned to start walking home.

At least Chloe knows now about the whole situation with Nash and Jack. 


"IM HOME!" I shouted as i shut the front door

"Hi!" Mum said. 

I walked into the kitchen and dropped all my bags on the table, "It was such a good day!" I said

"Good, are you hungry?"

"No, i had a sandwich at Chloe's"

"oh ok"

I picked up all my bags again and went straight upstairs to my room to sort it all out.

I was halfway through sorting out all my bags when my phone buzzed in my jean pocket. I sighed, probably Nash again.

But i wasnt, it was Jack:

Hey ;) feels like forever since i spoke to you!!

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