chapter 13

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Hey x I said i would update today, so here i am :) I dont know why there are massive gaps in the text, but i cant get rid of it. So I'm sorry about that lol. This is Chpater 13, it is longer. But i might not update for a little while now because im going to be busy. But i will try and update before i go back to school.. anyways here is chapter 13:

"Hello?" He answered
"Hello, this is Nash. Y/N's boyfriend" I began, but couldnt say anything else. I just froze up. I could hear Y/N crying outside.
"Where's Y/N. Is she ok?" He began to raise his voice
"I dont know why you care so much to be honest, it seems strange that you ask if she's ok. Yet as soon as you get her alone all you do is beat the shit out of her!" I blurted down the phone
There was no answer for a minute, probably as he thought of an excuse or something. But then he finally said, "What makes you say that" He said so calmly it scared me, but i swear he had his teeth clenched.
"Oh do you really do that, wow i just said that out of the blue" I said sarcastically
"Don't get funny with me, boy. I'll smash your face in!" He threatened
I luaghed nervously, "Go on then!"
Then the line went dead.
"I HATE YOU!" Y/N screamed from outside. I slowly unlocked the door and she quickly got up from the door. I passed her her phone back and said, "He's going to smash my face in" I looked at the floor.



----Y/N POV----


I knew he shouldnt have called my dad. I dont think Nash realises that he will literally beat him up until he had blood coming out of his eyeballs, and after he is done with him he will probably stab me or something.
"Nash, you dont realise" I said walking back into his room
"I dont realise what" He seemed so naiive about it all.
"The danger you're in"
"Y/N, im not scared of him. I love you and if that means that i die over this, that is what i will do" He said, pulling me into him. He kissed my forehead. At that moment the doorbell rang, "Be careful Nash. That could be him" I announced as Nash left the room to go and get it
"Bring it on, if it is him" Nash laughed walking down the stairs.
I slowly followed after him. I watched from half way down the stairs as he started to open the door.
It felt like the door opened in slow motion and as it did i saw the arm of the person outisde and i knew straight away it was dad. I ran as fast as i could down the rest of the stairs and then jumped in front of nash so that it was me dad faced when the door fully opened. Nash swung the door open the rest of the way and ran into the kitchen just as the door opened fully, which meant dad probably saw him running away. This angers dad even more.
"Where is he!" Dad shouted pushing past me
"Dad I don-" I began, but dad shouted over me.
"Shut it Y/N. Where the fuck is he!" Dad screamed running into the kitchen
I ran after him trying to stop him. But then dad just stopped, staring at Nash. I looked over dad's shoulder and saw that Nash was holding a kitchen knife in front of him.
"STAY THERE" Nash shouted, his grip so firmly on the knife. What had got into him?
"Please stop Nash" I whispered. I stood to the side of dad and watched as Nash got closer and closer to dad, but dad just stood there. He wasnt scared of a knife.
I could see that Nash's hand was shaking. This wasnt like him at all, i mean his public image is so sweet and loving and here he is before me holding a knife.
"Why do you hit her?" Nash whispered, his teeth clenched. His grip tightened even more on the knife as he said the word 'hit'.
"Before i answer any questions i want you to put the knife down" Dad edged toward Nash, but Nash was frozen in his spot, he wasnt going to move.
"Nash! Put the knife down please!" I shouted to him. His eyes darted to me and his expression loosened a bit. He slowly out the knife on the counter behind him.
"So why do you hit her?" Nash asked again
I looked at the floor and then at dad. But he was in deep thought about what to answer with.
"I get angry" He whispered
"I'm sorry? I didnt quite hear that" Nash said
"I GET ANGRY" Dad shouted, i could see the veins by his temples flare up. This is what happens when he is about to hit me. Oh god, he wasnt going to hurt nash.
"But that isnt an excuse to hit your own daughter. You are suppose to love her and protect her, not harm her and make her so unhappy she wants to kill herself" Nash muttered the last bit, but we both heard him. Where did that come from? I mean, i never said to him i was suicidal. But then he probably guessed bcause i cut my wrist.
I looked at Nash, he caught my stare. He mouthed a sorry to me and i nodded. Then i looked at dad who was just staring into space again. He had no idea i felt like that, but then surely it isnt hard to guess.He hits me and makes me feel like shit so why wouldnt i want to kill myself.
"I-i h-had no i-idea" He stuttered
"Well it's not that hard to guess really is it!?" I shouted at him. He looked at me then at Nash. Then i continued, "I mean, you hit me at least once a week and make me feel like shit and say that im pathetic and then wander why i'm suicidal. Im done with you dad" I said walking out of the front door. I had my phone with me so i would call Nash later. I hope they dont fight whilst im gone.
I walked down the road and to the local cafe. I didnt have any money, but i just sat at one of the tables and thought about it all. How could dad not know i wanted to kill myself? Or maybe he did know he just wanted to act innocent. I put my head in my hands. It was all a mess.
I dont really know what im going to do now. I just said to my dad that i am done with him, so it is going to be so awkward when i next see him.
I got up to leave when Cameron walked in. I was hoping he wouldnt notice me, but he did.
"Oh hey, you're Y/N. Right?"
"Yeah" I said looking at the floor.
"Oh.. whats the matter?" He asked sitting at the table i had just got up from.
"I'm fine. Look i really must go" I said walking towards the door.
"No, please stay" Cam shouted to me just as i was about to leave
I didnt really have to be anywhere, not now so i decided to turn round and walk back to the table.
"I suppose i have no where else to be" I smiled, i was trying so hard to put the fact that Nash was alone with my dad to the back of my mind. But it was so hard to. I was so scared Nash would end up getting killed or something.
"So how's Nash. I havent spoken to him for ages" It was as if cam knew i was thinking about Nash.
"Oh, um yeah. He's fine i guess"
"Look Y/N, i know there is something the matter, probably concerning Nash. Can you please tell me. Have you two broken up or something?" Cam said, his tone suddenly went serious.
"No, we havent broken up" I laughed, "It's just, well... lets just say Nash meeting my dad was not as i thought" I didnt really want to go into details about it.
"Oh... so you two are in an argument?" Cam was trying to sus me and it just wasn working out.
"NO! Nothing like that at all. Look, i dont really wanna talk about it" I said looking down
"Oh ok" Cam looked at the menu for a minute and then said, "do you want something to eat or anything?"
"No, its ok" I lied, really i was starving. But i was trying to loose weight.
"Are you sure?" Cam gave me a concerned look
"Yes, im fine. Look. I need to go" I stood up. Cam tried to stop me, but i just turned round and said, "Anyway, why did you come here on your own. Where's Chloe"
But before he could answer i left. I instantly felt bad though. I dont know whats got ino me. I go from angry to happy and back again all the time, it is so annoying.
I walked away from the cafe and kept walking and walking and walking. Soon i got to a park, so i went in and sat down on a bench over looking a beautiful field full of flowers. It was nice just to sit and get some quiet time away from cars and taxis and people. It was just me and my thoughts.

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