chapter 24

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Here is another chapter, its a bit short. But i've been writing loads recently to try and give you a longer update. So here it is, let me know what you think because i would love to know!! (sorry about the gaps in the text again :? idk how to fix it, so if u know please let me know!). Also if u have any new covers i could use for this fanfic (idk why i just like to change it up a lot lol)  please email them to me at !!
I could pick yours!! 

I woke up at around 8am, i guess i wasnt going to school today either.

I pulled the chrager away from my phone and went downstairs. Mum was sat at the table. Her eyes had dark circles and had sunken into her head. She looked terrible.

"Morning" I said cheerfully

"Morning" She replied, sounding a little dull

"Are you ok" 

"How can he expect me to believe him?" Mum put her head in her hands.

"What do you mean?"

"Well he said to me that he fell over"

"What are you talking... ohhh" I suddenly realised, she was talking about Adam cracking his head open

"Do you know what happened?" She looked up at me, her eyes full of hope

"Well.." I hesitated and sat down next to her, "Where's dad?" 

"Gone to the shop for milk and butter" She simply said

"Well, dad..." I hesitated, my throat when dry


"He... pushed him against..." I stopped for a second and looked at mum, "Against the cabinet" 

"WHAT!" Mum shouted

"Sssshhh" I hissed.

"Thats where it went?"

"What did he say happened to it?"

"He broke the door on it, or something." Mum got up, "Anyway, i better get dressed. We should be moving soon"

"What? Really?!" 

"Yes, we had an offer for the house last night, and we accpted!" Mum's face lit up

"Oh my god!!!" I almost jumped for joy.

"We will move out probably within the next few weeks" Mum said walking to the door, "We need to get you back into education" she smiled weakly and then went upstairs.

I got up and made some cereal and sat back down, went through tumblr and ate my cereal.

The front door slammed, making me jump. Dad's back.

"HELLO" He shouted throught the house

"HI" I said

"Ohh, you're up" He smiled weakly.

I smiled back, looked back down at my phone and carried on eating my cereal.

After i'd eaten i went upstairs and chucked my phone on my bed and got changed.~

Just as i was putting my jeans on my phone vibrated.

It was a twitter message, from Jack.

I think u have upset Nash

I sighed, i know I've upset Nash, i left my phone on my bed, not replying to the message and went downstairs

"Mum can i go shopping?" I asked walking into the living room

"Where to?" 

"I dont know, Brighton or somewhere?"

"With who?"

"I dunno, i'll ask Chloe, i just want to get out!" I sat slumping down on the sofa next to her

"Ok, as long as you get the train there. I'm not driving you to Brighton" 

"OK" I said going back upstairs to call chloe.

----6 HOURS LATER----

Chloe and i had just arrived back at hers, dragging all our bags up to her room.

"So how are you and Cam?" I randomly asked

"Um.. yeah, we're good" Chloe said, sitting down at her dressing table

"Isnt it all surreal, just a few months or so ago we were just fans, and now we are like going out with them" I smiled, taking a cute jumper i brought out of its bag.

"Yeah, i know" Is all Chloe said

"Are you sure you and Cam are ok?" I questioned again, this time a little more concern in my voice

Bu she didnt say anything


She was no facing the wall. I ran over to her, "Aww, come here" I pulled her into a hug, "What happened?"

"h-he kissed another girl!" She shouted, tears streaming down her face.

"What?!" I was shocked, Cam seemed such a sweet and loving person

"It was a-all over t-twitter!" She stood up suddenly and started to unpack her bags.

"Have you spoken to him about it?" 

"Yeah, he just kept saying that she was a fan and she meant nothing to him" She wiped her tears from her face with her sleeve, "Thats bullshit and everyone knows it" 

"Maybe its not, i mean he seems such a nice guy" I was trying to reassure him. 

She snorted, "Yeah, like they all do" 

"I'm just going to get a drink" I lied and went downstairs. I loved the fact that me and Chloe were such good friends that we just help ourselves to anything.

I went right downstairs to the kitchen and called Cam.

The ringing tone sounded for a minute, but then he answered

"Hello?" He sounded alwful

"Hi, its Y/N" I tried to sound happy

"Oh, hi. Whats up?"

"Are you ill, you sound ill" I laughed

"No" He simply said

"Whats the matter then?"


"You know you can tell me anything

He didnt answer

"You and Chloe broke up didnt you?"

"Yeah, yesterday" 


"Well, she saw that i kissed a fan and i tried to say to her that she didnt mean anything to me, but she would listen" 

Cam continued to explain the situation, whilst i went slowly back upstairs and into Chloe's room. I gestured to her to be quiet and put Cam on loud speaker.

"But the thing is, she means everything to me. Everything i could have ever wanted and i just want her back. I miss her soooo much. I dont know why im even telling you this. But next time you speak to her tell her that i still love her and that she means the world to me" Cams voice fillled the room

Chloe put her hands over her mouth and started crying again.

"Aww, i think she misses you too" I said, staring at Chloe

"Not as much as i miss her, honestly. I cried all last night, wanting her back. That fan means nothing to me in terms of love interest. I should have never have ever kissed her on the lips, I just wish i could just turn back time and just not kiss the fan"

"Cam..." I hesitated


"Chloe heard every word of that" I said and passed my phone to Chloe who took it off loud speaker.

"I love you too!" She gasped 

Mission complete, i had got them back together!

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