chapter 15

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I know this is a very short chapter again today. sorry x but i had writers block so.. XD

But I've decided to bring more people into the story now. So they will be comming in the next chapter :) so stay tuned ;) tell me what you think of my fan fic so far in the comments because i'd love to know x

Here is chapter 15:

We eventually arrived at a really posh looking restruant.

I was a little worried about what i was wearing now, it wasnt exactly smart.

We all got out of the car and walked up to the door to the restruant.

Cam pulled open the door and let Chloe through, then Nash held it to let me through.

"Hello, table for 4?" A blonde lady asked. She looked quite young and was wearing a little black dress. At least she had the figure for it.

We sat down at a rectangular table, Nash and I one side and Cam and Chloe on the other.

We got given the menus and we all read through it in silence.

"Well I'll probably have the steak" Nash said putting his menu down, "I hope it isnt rediculously small though" He laughed, referring to the vine he had made.

I smiled, "I'll propably just have chicken salad" I put my menu down. I didnt want to eat to be honest, but i had to in front of Nash otherwise he would worry about me.

"Is that all?" Chloe said, still looking down at the menu.

"Can i get you some drinks?" The same waitress who seated us asked, taking out her little notepad and pen.

"Do you have lemonade?" I asked

"Yes, so thats one lemonade"

"Maybe i dont want lemonade and i was just wandering if y'all had it" I mimiked Nash's vine

"So what would you like madam" The waitress crossed out lemonade on her list.

"Lemonade" I simply said making Nash and Cam laugh.

"I'll just have coke" Nash said

"Make that two cokes" Cam said

"I'll have..." Chloe hesitated looking at the drinks menu, "Fanta"

The waitress nodded and then left the table.

"You're funny" Nash smiled, "The whole lemonade thing" He laughed

I smiled at him, "So Chloe, are you coming to live out here?"

"I dont really know to be honest. I hope so" She looked up at Cam, giving him a warm smile. But he didnt see because he was still loooking at the menu.

"Havent you picked yet?" Chloe looked over Cam's shoulder

"I'll probably just have lasagne" He put his menu down and we chatted for a bit.

Soon our drinks came and we ordered our food.

"So when do you come back to America" Cam asked me, taking a sip of coke

"Well we have to go back to England, and sell our house. So as soon as we manage to sell it we will move out here"

"But how long would that take" Nash looked at me, placing his hand on mine as i was about to pick up my glass of lemonade.

"I dont know to be honest" I looked down at our interwined hands and smiled, "But I'll let you know"

We carried on talking, cracking jokes and just generally having a good time.

"Your steak sir" the waitress placed a plate in front of Nash, "Your lasagne" She placed a plate in front of Cam, "Your lamb" She placed a plate in front of Chloe, "Your chicken salad Madam" She placed a plate in front of me, "Enjoy"

We all dived into our food, it was amazing, well mine was just salad with a few chicken pieces on it, but it was nice anyway.

Once we had finished, they all ordered dessert. But not me, I didnt want to eat a lot.

I watched as the all ate their dessert and then we got the bill.

Nash placed his card on the bill dish, "I'll pay" He simply said

"Thanks" I kissed him on the cheek.

He smiled as Cam and Chloe also thanked him.

Once Nash had paid we got back into Cam's car and drove back to Cam's.

"I have beers in the fridge" He laughed

"Hey, Jack and Jack are in town. Shall i text them to come over?" Nash took out his


"Yeah, Chloe and Y/N havent met them yet"

Nash decided to call them instead. I just looked out of the window. We were going to meet Jack and Jack?!

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