chapter 23

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I know its Tuesday and i said i would update on Friday, so i'm sorry.. and its not a massive update because i have been busy, but i reallt wanted to post something, so here it is:

"We need to get to A&E!" My dad said crouching down to pick Adam up.
"NO!" I shouted, "I'llcall an albulance, if you move him it could make it worse"
I grabbed the phone and punched in the three numbers, '999'.
It rang for a second and then someone answered, "Hello, emergency services how may i help?"
"Um... well its my brother, he kind of walked into the glass cabinet and now he is unconcious and there is blood coming from his head"
"Ok, I will send an abulance to him right away. I just need you to stay calm. Is there arn adult there with you?"
"Yes, my dad"
"Can you pass the phone to him please"
So i passed the phone to my dad. Within 5 minutes there was an abulance outside my house. I opened the door for them and they came rushing in and went straight to my brother.
I cant believe dad's done this, it has gone too far now!
The paramedics did some stuff whilst i just stood behind them, tears filling my eyes.
I glared at dad as they put Adam on a stretcher and took him into the ambulance. Both Dad and I followed.
"Mum needs to know" I said, taking my phone out of my pocket.
"No" Dad said sternly, pushing my hand back into my pocket, "She doesnt"
I sighed deeply and turned to Adam, who was lieing motionless on the bed, there was a paramedic lady next to him.
"He will be ok" She said, turning to us.
I nodded, but dad just sat there. Not saying anything.
"Look what you've done" I hissed under my breath.
He just glared at me.
"Got nothing to say eh?" I said, growing more and more angry.
I didnt even care if the paramedic heard us to be honest.
The rest of the journey to the hospital was spend with us all sat in silence.
Adam still hadnt woken up.
The paramedics wheeled him into the hospital whilst dad and i followed behind.
Dad grabbed my arm whilst we were walking, "Dont you dare talk to me like that again" He whispered sharply in my ear
"Like what?" I struggled under his hand
"Like you did in the abulance" He pushed me away
I sighed and caught up with Adams bed.

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