chapter 28

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So here is another chapter!! Sorry i didnt update yesterday,im not going to make excuses... i just forgot xD

Anyway here is chapter 28:


Why would he decline my call? I wiped my eyes for like the 100th time. 

"Dinner!" I heard my mum shout from downstairs

"I'm not hungry" I said back, I wasnt going to go downstairs and try to act normal and happy when i wasnt. Whats happened to Y/N? 

"What's the matter" Mum came into my room without even knocking

"Thanks for knocking" I said sarcastically, "Nothing, im just not hungry" 

"Thats a  lie" Mum said smirking a little, "I know my Nash too well. He's always hungry" 

Thats when i just lost it, i couldnt hold it in anymore and i just broke down in front of mum, "I've killed her mum" I wailed as I cried 

"What?! Killed who?!" Mum seemed really shocked, she stood up and didnt even try and comfort me

"I deserve nothing, I deserve to die!" I said to her

"Nash, calm down. Who have you killed?" Mum was still standing and still looked really angry, which was understandable, her son was a murderer

"Im a murderer. I need to die!" I shouted and pushed mum out of the way and left the room. Shit, left my phone upstairs, oh well. I ran out of the house and up the road and ended up in the local park. I deserve to die, i've killed her. Thats why Jack wouldnt answer his phone because she's killed herself and now he hates me because he loved her, loved her like no other girl and ive taken that away from him. What have i done? Everyone hates me. 

I sat down on a bench and just stared into the distance, i had no more tears left to cry. 


Me and Skylnn were sat at the table, waiting for mum to get Nash down to have dinner. 

Suddenly I heard Nash shouting, i couldnt make out what it was about, but then he  came rushing downstairs and left the house before i could say anything to him.

"MUM!" Skylnn shouted

"Sshhh" I said to her, "Its ok, everything is fine" I tried to reassure her, she wasnt buying it though. She got up and went upstairs to mum. 

I took my phone from my pocket and texted nash:

what r u doing?? whats happened??

I sent it and waited for a reply. 

"Nash has killed someone" Mum said coming down the stairs with Nash's phone in her hand. Her mascara was smudged like she had been crying, her cheeks were still wet from the tears. Skylnn followed behind her. 

"What?" I was so confused. Nash wouldnt kill a person, he would even kill a fly, let alone a person

"He's killed someone" Mum's voice trailed off, "Look, I dont know where he's gone and he hasnt got his phone obviously" Mum gestured to his phone in her hand

"I know where he would go" I got up and put on my shoes, "To the park"

"How do you know?" Mum asked

"I just know" I said, "But you cant come with me. I need to try and find out whats going on"  I didnt want mum coming because he probably wouldnt open up with mum there.

"ok, call me" Mum sounded so worried about the whole situation, but i was almost sure it wasnt as bad as Nash said. He porbably just paniced. 

"Will do" I hugged mum goodbye and walked down to the park, it was a good 20 minute walk. Once i got there i searched around, looking for him. I dont know why i thought i would be here, i just knew this is where he normally goes when he's upset, like when nan died last year. 

Soon i saw him, alone on a bench. I walked up to him, not making a sound.

"Whats happened?" I mumbled, sitting next to him on the bench

"Y/N" Nash whispered

"What about her? You killed her?" I was so confused

"Basically" Nash looked the other way, was he crying?

I put my arm around him, "Its ok, everything will be fine" I insisted, even though i knew it wouldnt be, "But how? Did you stab her or something?"

Nash snorted, "No.. She commited suicide, b-but I m-made her d-do it" Nash's voice cracked and he turned to face me. His eyes were full of tears and his face was blotchy. Nash was always such a strong person, I've never seen him cry.

I pulled him into a hug, "How do you know?"

"I just know. Jack hates me" 

"Jack J? Didnt he like Y/N?" 

"Yeah, a lot" Another tear fell from his eye, "He called her for me and when i called him back to see if he got through to her he just declined my call" 

"But how does that mean that she's dead?" I was confused, so Nash didnt actually know that she had commited suicide

"Well Jack declined my call" He looked down at his lap, "Jack never declines calls, if he doesnt want to answer it he just leaves it to ring" He paused, "Its obvious something has happened and i know Y/N is already suicidal, she cut her wrists over hate and now me doing this?" 

"What did you do?" A lump formed in my throat, i didnt want to cry, but it was getting harder to stay strong now

"I-i" Nash hesitated and broke down, properly crying

"Hey, its ok" I hugged him again, he cried into my chest

"Im so sorry" He sniffed

"Its ok" Thats when i shed a tear. It was just too much to see my older brother break down in tears in front of me

Eventually Nash calmed down and he sat up, "I just cant believe she's gone" 

"But what did you do?" 

"I-I put her number on Twitter" 

"What?!" I almost shouted, that was so out of order, espically as he has like 2 million followers who generally see his tweet the second its up

"Shhh!" He put his finger on his lips, "I'm ashamed of it ok" He looked away again

"Sorry" I looked down at my lap

"So all the fans texted her" Nash paused "Texted her hate" He looked at me, his eyes full of saddness and guilt, "And that pushed her off the edge" 

"Why do it?" I looked Nash straight in the eyes

"I dont know, I wanted revenge" He broke our eye contact and looked at the floor


"I dont even know" 

I sighed heavily

"What?" Nash raised his voice a little

"The revenge was that important that you've forgotten what it was" I stood up and started walking away, "I'm done with  you Nash" I mumbled

"NO! Wait" He ran up behind me, "Please dont leave. I have no one"

"And thats your own fault" I shook my head in dissappointment and walked home. He didnt follow me, i dont know where he is going and i dont care to be honest.

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