chapter 30

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Hey guys!! xx sorry i havent updated in over a week, i just havent been writing, but yesterday evening i wrote a lot and ive been writing this morning too! This update might be a little short just because although i have been writing i like to stay ahead of this so i dont have to write it on the spot i can just copy and paste to this... idek
So here is chapter 30:


I just froze, i couldnt move i just stood there and as Hayes turned from looking down at Skylnn he say me, there i was. Just stood there.

Skylnn had run down the stairs, hopefully not to go tell mum

"What the fuck?!" Hayes shouted at me

"Im sorry, please can i just have my wallet and i'll leave" I begged Hayes, he was my little brother yet I was scared of him right now

"no" Hayes shut the door, "You can leave right now" He paused moving closer toward me, "And never come back!" 

"Please just give me my wallet and i wont come back. I'm not scared of you Hayes" I lied

Hayes snorted, "Never said you were. But what i have said is for you to leave" He opened the window, "So leave" He gestured for me to climb back out of the window

"FUCK YOU!" I shouted in his face and climbed back out of the window and down onto the street. I looked up and Hayes spat down on me.

"You're a failure Nash!" And then just slammed the window

I wiped his spit of my face. Distgusting, why was he like this. I have never seen hayes like this before. I have no where to stay either. I dont have money or my phone, nothing i didnt even take one of Skylnn's blankets for warmed. I'm fucked. 

I walked down the road and decided to just find an alley or something somewhere so i could just sit for the night. 

After about 20 minutes i found somewhere and i sat down. It was the most uncomfortable thing in the world, but i was going to have to stay here for the night. 

I just leened against the wall and soon my thoughts had taken over again. Thinking about Y/N and how much of a failure i actually am and how i took an innocent girls life for a reason i cant even remember.

After a while i felt my eyes drooping, it must be quite late into the night now, like 2am or something. But as i was closing my eyes i heard a voice, a voice almost silent. Whispering my name, "Naaashh" She said over and over, i opened my eyes but couldnt see anyone.

"Who are you?" I started to get scared and stood up

"Ohh, you know who i am" The voice now seemed to be right in my ear

"No, please. Just leave me alone!" I ran away from the voice

"You cant run" The voice was right in my ear again

"Who are you?!" I repeated again

"A no one according to everyone" The voice seemed to be louder

"Who's everyone, come on! Leave me alone!" I starting running now

"All the fans" The voice was still in my ear as i was running, but as soon as i heard those words i stopped.

"What? Y/N?" I was so confused, it cant be her


I breathed heavily, this is just impossible, "No its not" I denied 

"Oh really. we met online, i was a fan" The voice began to explain mine and Y/N's past, "But you liked me, more than you have ever liked a fan and i was going to move here but first i spent a week here" The voice was still right near my ear, i could almost feel its breathe on my neck, "how much more proof do you want nash" A shivered when it said my name

"Its not you, its impossible" I denied it again, it cant be real

"Ok, bye then" and then it just left, without another word, it just left. I felt the presence of it go and it left me standing in the middle of the road sad, confused, isolated and alone. 

"No" I whispered to myself, "NO! You cant go, come back!" I was shouting now. Nothing. Just the deafening silence. 

I began to walk back to the alley again, there were no lights, but i knew this area inside out. 

A tear rolled down my cheek. This is ridiculous i need to die.

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