Small update..but not a full chapter

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Hey Guys!xx im sorry that i have kinda gone off topic with this fanfic, i am trying to get it back on track.. but i hope you enjoyed it none the less.. (i still dont understand why there are massive gaps.. but i hope it doesnt ruin it lol) this is just a very short update so that my next full update will be back onto the topic of this fanfic.. NASH AND CAM AND JACK AND JACK AND EVERYONE ELSE!!! hahaha anyways, here it is... the short sub chapter thing:

----20 MINUTES LATER----

"Is he going to be ok?" I asked the nurse by his bedside

"Yes, just some concussion" The nurse said smiling

"Then why cant he just go home"

"Because his head has been fractured"

"Just stitch it up" I said

"Thats what we will do, when he is awake" The nurse said sternly.

'This isnt fair' I muttered under my breath

"What isnt?" The nurse looked at me

"Um.. nothing" I hesitated

The nurse didnt say anything else and left.

Dad had gone to the machine for coffee, he couldnt care less about what he had done to Adam.

I sat on the chair next to Adam's bed and went on my phone, checking through my twitter, tumblr and instagram.

Soon dad came back with a coffee.

"Why did you do this?" I asked him, whilst he sipped his coffee

"Do what?"

He was acting so dumb and it was really starting to annoy me

I sighed deeply, "You're stupid" 

We sat there in silence for a little while longer, until suddenly my phone buzzed in my lap.

"Who's that?" 

"None of your business" I mumbled.

It was Nash?

I cant stop thinking about you babe

Thing is, i had stopped thinking about him. 

i'm sorry :(

Is all i ended up texting him back with.

"I'll ask again, who was that?" Dad said 

"no one" I said repeated.

I guess Nash wanted me to come crying back to him, but that wasnt going to happen.

Suddenly I heard Adam wimper.

"Adam?" I looked over him

Slowly his eyes opened, "huh?" He seemed so confused.

"Are you ok?" I turned to dad, but he didnt seem bothered. It made me sick, this was his son hospitilised because of something he had done and he didnt even seem bothered that he had woken up.

Soon a nurse came in and checked Adam over and then she said that Adam could be discharged.

"About time" Dad said standing up and pratically pushing me out of the door

"Why are we rushing for god sake!" I snapped

"We need to get going" Dad said, continuing to push me out of the kurtained off area.

We continued to walk quite quickly until we got to the bus station.

"Why are we rushing back, and why are we here?" Adam asked sitting on the platic bench.

"Because we came here in the abulance and mum will be back soon, we want to be back before she gets home" 

"Whens the next bus then?" I sat down next to Adam

"Thats what I'm finding out!" Dad raised his voice.

-----2 hours later-----

'Today has been such a weird day' i thought to myself as i got into bed.

I lay in bed for a while, trying to get to sleep, but i couldnt. 

I decided to go on my phone and go through tumblr and twitter.

do u realise how much this is killing me?

One of Nash's tweets read.

I did kind of feel sorry for him, but at the same time i didnt. Why did he have to make a big deal of this, it was almost like he wanted me to feel bad.

I decided to message him seeing as he was 'online'.

Why did u tweet about me?? ffs

Nash: what do u mean??

Me: i saw ur tweet, dont play dumb!!

Nash: sorry :( i just miss u

Me: but why do u need to go and share that with the rest of the world... its not exactly like u have 3 followers, its like the whole worlds following u ffs
Nash: alright, calm tf down!! jesus christ, im sorry.. i just miss the one i love, is that a crime???
Me: thats not, but sharing it with the world is to me!
Nash: ok ok, im sorry.. what more do u want from me?
Me: nothing, just leave me alone!!

He didnt reply after that, i guess that showed him!

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