Chapter 26

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Hey Guys!xx so i know i said i would update Friday but it turns out im away Friday, so i wont be able to, so i thought i would update today, so here it is, chapter 26:

They were all from unknown numbers, i scrolled through them from the lock screen:

omg i cant believe this is legit!! hey nash's ex XDDD

hahaha this is so funny

revenge is sweet

That was just a few. 


What is going on. I messaged Nash on twitter.

wtf is going on??!!!

Nash: ahhaa u shouldnt have broken up with me bitch

Me: what? why r u doing this?

Nash: revenge.. u hurt me

Me: what?? but why would u do this??

Nash: revenge

Me: ur a dick

Nash: ur a slut! and a whore! everyone was right, why did i go out with u,u litte skank!


I was going through twitter and someone tweeted me saying that i should tweet Y/N's number so that they could all text her and annoy her. 

At first i decided against it, 'that would be too mean' is what i thought. But then i began to realise that actually she had been a bitch to me, she had betrayed me so i should get back at her. So thats what i did, i tweeted her number for 2 minutes so that anyone could text, or call her or do whatever they wanted, and believe me they did. Within seconds people were sending me screenshots of their texts to her. At first i was actually feeling guilty, but the fans made me realise that there was nothing to be guilty about. 

That was when she texted me, asking wtf was going on. Revenge i simply said.

But i didnt mean all the other stuff i said to her, saying she was a whore, a slut. I knew this would probably push her over the edge, she was already suicidal. I remember the day she cut her wrist beause of the hate she got. How she nearly died, how i sat and held her hand begging her to wake up. How i felt when she woke up and we went home and were happy again. But not now, not anymore. 

"Shit" I cursed under my breath. What was i going to do if she actually did kill herself, everyone would blame it on me. I was going to jail for killing someone.

"Fuck" I cursed again. That would ruin my career.

I couldnt text her now though, it was too late. All the damage has been done.

Y/N's POV:

Why would Nash do this to me though? I thought he wanted me back, well he aint getting me back after this!

More and more messages were  being sent to me and i didnt know what to do. I kept scrolling through them all, 'slut' 'cunt' 'whore' 'bitch' their words filled my head, i started to breath fast and i started feeling dizzy.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed and threw my phone at the wall.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Dad shouted from downstairs

"Nothing, im fine!" I said back, that was a lie, i really wasnt.

I fell back onto my bed. My head still spinning and my breathing still fast.

"everyone hates me" I whispered to myself, "everyone wants me dead" 

I picked up my phone, as if by miracle it wasnt broken.

But the messages were still coming through, hundreds by the minute. 

'skank' 'worthless' 'die'. These words went round and round my head. I threw my phone on my bed and sat on the floor. Bringing my knees up to my face.

My eyes spilled tears down my face, 'This is it' I said to myself as i crawled across the floor to a box under my bed.

'I cant be with the man i want to be with' I whispered, tears still streaming down my face, my eyes blurring.

I opened the box slowly and took out a blade.

'Whats the point in living?' I asked myself over and over as i pulled my sleeve up.

I lined the blade up, straight across the veins in my wrist. Tears now dripped onto my arm.

'whats the point' I whispered one last time before slicing through my skin, i winced at first, but soon the pain became strangly comforting. I carried on slicing, multiple times, faster and faster going deeper and deeper.

Blood was now everywhere. It felt good.

I looked at my other wrist, clean, with no scars.

'slut' i whispered as i carved the word onto my clean forearm.

Soon i felt really weak and light headed, this was the end.

'I love you Jack' I whimpered before closing my eyes to sleep forever.



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