chapter 5

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----The day before Y/N goes to America----


I was so excited, i couldnt wait for tomorrow!!

Me and Nash had been talking for ages last night about what i should take with me and what the weather is likeout there at the moment. He said that it was quite warm. But what they class as quite warm is obviously going to be boiling. So i packed lots of shirts and vest tops along with denim shorts. Only one or two jumpers in case it was a bit cold in the evening.

I put my suitcase in the hallway and went back into my room. Everything was packed. It was sunday so it wasnt like i had to go to school. It was the week off and i was going to meet Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas and probably some of the other boys in their group. I would call them magcon, thats what i like to call them, but they arent anymore, they are 26 managment, i hate their new name. But they cant help it.

I went on twitter and sent Nash a message:


All packed, cant wait to meet you all :) x


I knew he wouldnt reply for ages. It was 9 in the morning for me and so for him it would be about 4 in the morning. I woke up early you see, i was so excited. I just want today to go fast and the night so i can just board the plane and be in america. But i know it wont be like that.

I went downstairs and got some cereal. i hadnt even had breakfast yet. I grabbed a bowl and poured in some cheerios, pured some milk in and ate it all up. I then went outside in the garden to join my roon, who was having a cup of tea in the sun.

"Im so excited!" I exclaimed

Mum looked down at me, squinting her eyes slightly because of the sun, "I know you are!" She said laughing

I sighed and sat in the sun for a bit, i wouldnt catch a tan, but i just liked the warmth it brang, a small breeze swept through my hair as i looked up at the sky. This was the last bit of england sun i was going to get.


I decided to go upstairs and get changed. I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and face and then changed into a mini skirt and Jack Daniels top, i loved it, but i wasnt taking it with me to america.

I put some make-up on, just a small amount of foundation, eye shadow and mascara. I then scooped my hair into a pony tail, nothing too fancy.Sprayed some impulse body spray and then i was ready for the day.

I didnt even know what i was going to do today, we had got all the stuff we needed for tomorrow and everything was ready. We had to just wait around.

"Hey, who's up for a picnic in the park then?" My dad called from downstairs

"ME!" I said, i loved the outdoors, besides, it was something to do whilst the day went slow.

"Ok, we leave in half an hour, just making sandwiches" Dad called back.

I checked myself out in the mirror and added some lip balm. I rushed down the stairs and saw my mum and dad making sandwiches.

"What do you want in yours?" My mum asked, not evening looking up from the work top.

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