Let's get Nashty

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Hey guys! x so this is a fan fic that i am writing at the moment. It is about Nash Grier (as you probably have guessed!)
So without further a do, here is the first chapter:

I was sitting on my bed with my laptop in front of me watching Nash's youtube videos. He only had 11 so i had already watched them a 100 times over. But i never got bored of any of them. I sat there laughing and smiling, until i glanced at the clock. It was 10:30pm and i had school tomorrow.

I turned my laptop off and placed it carefully on the floor beside me. I got into bed, but i didn't sleep. I just layed there, just thinking about Nash. I loved all the boys in their group, but Nash has always been my favourite.

It was getting later into the night, but i couldn't sleep. My head was filled with Nash. I really wanted to go back on youtube and vine and just fan girl over him some more, but i knew i had school and i needed to sleep. It was 11:30pm. Soon my mind drifted and i fell asleep.


I woke up slightly later that usual because i went to bed slightly later, because of Nash.

I checked twitter, as i normally do, then Facebook, then vine. Nash had posted another vine and it was as funny as ever.

I sighed when i saw when he posted it, 4 hours ago. In the middle of the night for me. But for Nash (on the other side of the world) it wasn't.

It shattered me to think that he was the other side of the world and that i would never even meet him. But it caused me to wander, what would it be like if i was in the same school as him?!!

I got ready for school, slowly pulling my trousers over my legs. I would never wear a skirt in case anyone saw my scars. Then i slowly buttoned my shirt and put my tie on. I really didn't want to go to school because of the people in it.

I went downstairs and packed my bag, kissed my mum goodbye and then slowly walked to school. I was a bit early, but i didn't care.

I finally got to school, with all the screaming and shouting kids. They are so annoying. None of my friends were there yet because it was so early. So i just went straight upstairs and stood by my tutor. The same boring wait on another boring day.

My tutor arrived and just gave me a puzzled look, "why are you always here so early A/N"

"i don't know" i replied, sending a confused look back to her.

She shook her head and then opened the door, but she shut the door behind her, not letting me in. I sighed before looking up and seeing Chloe, she is my best friend. She smiled at me before hugging me.
"Hi!" She said emphasiastically, i guess that is what i like about her, she is just happy all the time, even if she is crying inside.
"Hey!" I said back
"Oh my god, have you seen this boy?!" She almost shouted, grabbing her phone from out of her pocket and showing me a picture of Nash.
"Do I... or nahh!" I said jokily
"Oh my god, you do!" She exclaimed. I smiled back, she had no idea how long i have known that boy and how much i loved him.
We carried on fan girling about Nash until my tutor opened the door and let us in. We sat down at our tables for a bit and talked, then went to first lesson, then next lesson and finally last lesson.
The day went quite quickly, not that i was concerntrating because i was thinking about Nash too much!

I then walked home with another friend of mine, Tegan. We walked home quite quickly, chatting along the way. Doing the same boring journey walking home. We were talking about Nash then too, but Tegan doesnt like them as much as me and chloe do. She told me that Nash doesnt go to school and that he does online lessons seeing as he is so famous. I didnt respond. I look at the floor, my dreams were shattered.
I changed the subject quickly, because i didnt really want to cry and look stupid in front of Tegan.

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