chapter 33

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Hey Guys!!xx soo i have written loads and loadds more so here it is, chapter 33:

Suddenly i felt someone grab my hands and before i knew it i was handcuffed and being put in the car.

"HE'S A MURDER!" I shouted at the policeman as he shut the car door.

Nash was also handcuffed and put into the car, "I havent done anything" He said so calmly it scared me. 

I stared out of the window as we got driven to the police station, Jack looked helplessly at the car as we disappeared into the distance. 

This is ridiculous, i am sat next to the man who killed my girl, in fact he doesnt deserve to be called a man.

I could hear the police radio and the officers talking to each other at the front, but i couldnt hear them properly.

"I didnt mean to do it" Nash whispered to me, the police officers were too busy talking to each other that they didnt really notice us talking

"Bullshit" I spat

Nash turned away and looked out of the window. Was he crying?

"Oh, you're crying" I said sarcastically

"I'm a fuck up" Nash muttered under his breathe.

True, he was. But this was the first time i had seen him actually get emotional about the whole thing

"You know i loved her" Nash turned to me, his eyes blood shot and full of tears

"pfft" I looked out the window, we were just turning into the police station

"I did" Nash said and soon after we were being pulled out of the car and guided to the double doors of the police station. 

Once we were in the two police men spoke to the officer behind the desk. Explaining the situation. They then sat us together outside some interview rooms

"Now you two need to sort all this out" One officer spoke and then both walked away.

Nash and I sat in silence at first, but eventually Nash spoke, "Theres no real explanation for what i did"

I looked him dead in the eye and then looked down at my lap, but couldnt bring myself to say anything. 

"I dont understand myself why i did it" I looked up at Nash, his eyes now filling with tears, "I'm a fuck up and i deserve to die"

"Yeah, you deserve to die. Not Y/N" Tears were now threatening to fall down my face, "Y/N was amazing, gorgous and caring" I gulped, trying really hard not to cry, "But you, you are a fuck up and a muderer"

"I really couldnt agree more" Nash now was looking at my arms, "Why do this?" He nodded at my arms, "Does Jack know"

"No" A tear rolled down my cheek, "You're the first to notice" My arms were covered in light scratches and cuts

"You need to stop, before it gets worse" Nash looked up at the people behind the desk, "Might just hand myself in"

"What?" I shook myself from my chain of thoughts

"I might just admit I'm a murder and then they can arrest me and put me where i deserve to be"

"Go on then" I  muttered, "See if i care"

Nash then stood up and walked over to the desk, i just sat there. Still amazed at Nash noticing my arms. Even Jack hadnt, but then i did tend to wear long sleeves around him, it was just now that my jacket sleeves were rolled up then Nash could see them. 

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