chapter 22

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Im back again, as i said i would be on Friday for another chapter! Make sure u vote and comment so i can see how many of u are enjoying it! 

I need to get to 90 votes before i will post the next chapter.. im at 83 right now (at the time of writing) so yeah, get voting!! I dont understand why there are gaps in the text, so dont ask me... :( 

Anyways, here is chapter 22:

I felt so bad about breaking up with Nash, we had only been together like 2 weeks, but he seemed to care about me so much and then to see him cry on facetime in front of me hurt the most. 

I really wanted to go back to America and sort everything out with Jack and Nash and be happy again, i wanted mum and dad to take the offer on the house and we could just go. But no, they'd probably wait for a better offer and make my life misery for as long as they can. 

I soom gave up on sitting upstairs on my own and took my laptop dwnstairs to sit with mum and dat in the kitchen. 

"Oh hello" Mum said as i put my laptop on the table

I half smiled, "So are you going to take the offer on the house then?"

"Probably not, we'll wait for a better offer" Dad said typing something, "but we need to find you a new school to go to" 

"Oh yeah" I said miserably, "I forgot about all that" 

"Bet you did" Mum laughed.

I sighed, "I could get home schooled"

There was a pause as they thought of something to reply. 

Mum looked at dad and dad looked at mum.

"Well.. we had actually thought about that. Just that it can be quite expensive" Dad explained

"Oh.. how much is it then?" I was really curious.

"Well probably about $60 a month or something, thats if we get a tutor in, or we could teach you ourselves" Mum said

"Oh.." I paused, "Cant you do it over the internet?"

"Yeah, but its probably about the same price" Dad said, "But we'll only do that if there is no other option"

"oh ok" I was so disappointed, home schooling seems so much better than having to sit in a classroom with loads of other stinking kids. 

"But if it does come to that we will, your education is important" Mum smiled

I nodded and went to tumblr. There were pictures of me and Nash kissing and pictures of other stuff and memes. 

I kept scrolling and scrolling until one pot caught my eye. It was one that said

idk why, but i ship Y/N with Matt aha x

Me and Matt, Matt wasnt really my type. What about me and Jack? No one thought about that did they?

I sighed deeply.

"Are you ok?" Mum asked concerned 

"Yeah, perfect" Sarcasm flled my voice

Mum didnt say anything to that. 

I brushed the post off and carried on scrolling and scrolling. 

"Adam, bedtime" Mum suddenly shouted

"OK" He shouted back

"You made me jump" I laughed, but i didnt take my eyes off the screen, still scrolling and scrolling through tumblr, liking posts and pictures.

Let's get NashtyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ