chapter 29

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I'm sorry this makes you cry :( (you know who you are ;))but here is chapter 29 as you requested. I haven actually written any more yet so yeah.. but here is chapter 29:

"Did you find him?" Mum asked as i walked through the door

"Yes" Is all i said, "He screwed up" I paused, "A lot!"

"What?! What has he done" Mum dragged me to the couch and we both sat down

"He killed someone, Y/N." I looked up at mum, her eyes full of tears again, "He put her number on twitter and all the fans texted hate to her and that pushed her over the edge" 

Mum gasped, "Oh my god. Why"

"Revenge" I snorted, "Revenge so important he forgot what it was"

"It was worth a life?!" Tears ran down her cheeks now, "My son's a murderer" 

I got up and went to my room, I just couldnt believe he would do such a thing.


I had no idea where to go now. Literally everyone hates me, even my brother doesnt want to talk to me anymore. I wanted to die, i needed to die. I couldnt live with myself anymore, knowing i've killed someone and now i have i cant follow me dreams, i cant become an actor so whats the point in living if you cant follow your dreams? 

All these thoughts went round and round my head as i walked the streets on that cold night. I didnt have a jacket with me, just my t-shirt. I watched as the sun went down. Where could i go for the night? I cant stay on the streets. I cant go home, Hayes probably told mum everything and now her and Hayes hate me, I cant go to the Jacks' house because they hate me. My only other friend that lives round here was Cam, but then he probably knows about it all now and hates me too.

But i suppose it was worth a try so i walked roound to his and knocked on the door.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me, standing in the doorway, "Come in then, its freezing"

"Can i stay round yours tonight?" I just blurted out

"Of course, but why?" Cam sat on the couch and i sat next to him

"You dont know yet?" I was so suprised

"You sound suprised" Cam laughed a little, "Whats happened?"

"I-I've killed someone" I could feel the tears coming already

"WHAT?!" Cam shouted, "Who?" 

"Y/N" A tear rolled down my cheek

"What? How the fuck did you kill her, she's in England right now isnt she and i thought you loved her"

"I do, but we broke up so i wanted revenge on her even though i realise now that i am the worthless prat" I looked down at the floor, "Anyway I basically put her number on twitter and all the fans texted her hate and that pushed her off the edge" I looked at Cam who looked near to tears

"Chloe's best friend and you fucking killed her!" Shit i forgot they were going out

"I know" Another tear ran down my cheek, "Im a fuck up" 

"But didnt you already know Y/N was suicidal?" Cam looked me dead in the eyes and i could tell he was mad

"Yeah" I looked down at the floor, breaking our eye contact

"Then why the fuck did you do it?! You knew that would push her over the edge!" Cam stood up, "Get out of my house" 

"W-what, y-you c-cant jus-" I stuttered but Cam pushed me toward the door

"Yes I can! Watch me" With that he pushed me against the door, "Leave!" 

"Ok ok" I out my hands up to surrender and opened the door and left. For fuck sake, everyone hates me.


I cant  believe Nash would do that to someone, espicially if he knew Y/N was suicidal. I slammed the door shut behind his sorry ass and called Chloe. I needed to make sure she was ok, fuck. I hope she hadnt killed herself as well. Luckily after a few rings she picked up

"Hey babe" She said, I sighed in relief

"Hi, do you know about what happened?" I said through clenched teeth, i was so angry

"No, what?"

"Y/N" I paused, my throat going dry, "She's dead"

"You're lieing" Chloe stated without any emotion

"No I'm not, I'm so sorry" My voice cracked

"No you're not sorry" She sounded like she was crying and that was it, she put the phone down on me. What?

I called back straight away, but she didnt answer. No, please Chloe don't do anything stupid. 

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