Chapter 4

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Hey guys! xx

Im so thankful to the people that voted, my reads have gone up a bit and so i have decided to update again.. so without further a do.. her is chapter 4:


Cameron left soon after that i thought i might as well go to bed. I was really tired anyway. I went upstairs and hears Skylnn murming in her sleep. I slowlyopened her bedroom door. Her room was full of toy hourses, all lined up by her window. I saw her sleeping, she looked so peaceful. I shut the door again and went into my own bedroom. I got changed into some pyjama bottoms and went on my phone, checking all my social media one last time, i didnt bother reading hate comments and messages. They were either jelous or just had nothing better to do. I switched off my light and turned my bedside lamp on. Carrying on going through my social media. First twitter, then instagram and then tumblr.

I then went onto my world clocks and searched for 'UK'. It was 3 in the morning for Y/N. She must be asleep. How peaceful she must look when she is sleeping and how good is would feel to hold her.

I sighed and switched on my alarm and went to bed.

Y/N's POV:

i woke up at 7am again, but i just layed there. I really didnt want to go to school today. I just didnt want to have to spend another day in a school like mine. But i had to, so i slowly got up and went down stairs to habe breakfast. My dad was already up and had made me some cook breakfast. I slumpeed down on my chair, thanked him for it and then ate it. I then went back upstairs and got ready for school. My brother was just getting up, he looked so tired bless him. He yawned and then waved at me.

"Morning!" I said cheerfully.

He just groaned back and disappeared downstairs.

Once i was dressed and ready i put on a small amount of make up. I didnt want to look caked in it, but i did have some spots that seemed to have appeared over night.

I put i small dab of concealer on the spots and blended it in. Then i took my foundation, put i bit on the back of my hand and brushed it in evenly with my soft brush.

I finsihed it off with some pressed powder and mascara. At least i looked a little less like a monster!

I went downstairs, grabbed my bag that my mum had already packed for me, said goodbye to everyone and then left. I walked slowly, i didnt want to be as early this time.

Once i finally got there i saw the same screaming kids as i did yesterday. I rolled my eyes at them and went inside.

It was a lot warmer inside. I was greeted by my friend Kushla who smiled and waved at me. I waved back and went to stand with her.

Kushla was a lovely person, kind and friendly. I chatted to her for a while and soon saw Chloe walk through the doors, me and Kushla waved at her and she came over smiling and laughing. Being her usual bubbly self.

The bell rang shortly after and we all went to our tutors. Me and chloe had the same tutor and so we walked together, still laughing and joking.

Once tuto was over i went through the day with minimal fuss. i hated most of my teachers and im sure they hated me back. Oh well.

Once the day was finally over i walked home with Tegan and we talked about random things.

I just couldnt wait to get home and message nash. I would text him, but text abroad cost way too much!

Once i finally got home i switched on my laptop and messaged him:

Hey! xx how are you, counting down the days till i get to meet you lol xx

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