chapter 18

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uys!xx sorry i havent updated in a whole week, i had school :/ and now i am so tired, i swear the first week of school is always the worst :( anyways, this is chapter 18, i know it is VERY short, but i will try and update over the weekend, so im sorry that they have been really short updates at the moment :'( Anyways here it is:

We arrived back at our house at around 10pm and we were all stood at the table.

"I think its bedtime" Dad said

"I'm not that tired to be honest" I said

"Well you're going to bed anyway" Dad raised his voice a little

"Ok, no need to shout" I muttered

Mum looked at me, knowing what I had just said, but dad didnt butt an eye lid.

"I'm going to bed" Adam said hugging dad good night

"Night then" I said

"Do you want to unpack then, seeing as you're not tired?" Dad said picking up my suitcase and pushing it into my chest, "off you go"

I rolled my eyes and took the suitcase upstairs and started unpacking.

But Jack was still going through my head, what did he mean? I think its safe to say he likes me and i suppose he wants to be with me, just that he cant because i'm with Nash.

Maybe i should message him? Maybe i should break up with Nash and then tell Jack so he could ask me out? Maybe i should just leave it.... I dont know what to do.

Once i was done unpacking i went back downstairs and said goodnight to mum and dad.

I wasnt going to sleep though, i was just going to talk to Jack on twitter. Its like daytime for them at the moment, I think. I got changed into some pyjamas and turned my laptop on. This was going to be a long night, not that it mattered, i think i wasnt tired because of Jetlag, how Adam sleeps is beyond me. I decided to message Jack this:

hey jack x i think we need to talk about the situation. I mean, its driving me insane lol

I pushed send and then went to tumblr to see what people were posting, I followed all the usual fan blogs and just kept scrolling through endless pictures, smiling so much because i knew them personally.

After about an hour of tumblr I got a message back from Jack, he said:


why? i like u, why is that driving u insane???


I gritted my teeth, i think i should tell him that i like him back. I just dont know what to do. I mean, obviously its in my best intrests not to hurt Nash, but i do really like Jack. I just havent got to know him well. Maybe thats what i should tell Jack, i just need to get to know him better? I eventually decided to write:


I think its because i like u back, its just that i dont want to hurt nash

Jack: you mean, you want to break up with him to be with me?

Me: i dont know what i want tbh, i just want to find the right guy

Jack: awww x sorry i messed it all up

Me: How did you mess it all up? at Cams i couldnt take my eyes of you, i guess it helped that you said to me 'its a shame you're with nash' because then it told me that you like me back

Jack: I know, but if i hadnt of said anything none of this would of happened

Me: I just dont know what to do, i guess i just want to get to know u better

Jack: ok, but you're in england now. Its not like we can meet up lol

Me: I know, whats you're facetime name?

Jack: **************** when can u ft?

Me: give me 5 minutes? ;) u cant tell ANYONE about this tho

Jack: kk, i'm home alone haha

Me: kk, call u in 5 x

Jack: kk


Oh god, i had just agreed to ft Jack. I dont know how this was going to go down, i had told him 5 minutes. I had 5 minutes to make myself look ok.

I brushed my hair out and put it in a messy bun and chucked a t-shirt on so it looked like i was dressed and then just put a bit of concealer under my eyes and on my nose, blended it in and then brushed some powder on quick.

I took a few deep breaths and called him.

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