My Vampire Teacher

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Chapter 2

The bell rings cutting claire off in mid sentence. She laughs and I laugh with her. " Cmon, we should get to class," I say. She nods and we head off to our first period World Studies. The bell rings as soon as we step into the classroom. I hurry to the only available seats in the back with claire on my heels. We take our seats right before the teacher turns around. Whoa, that was a close one. i was almost late for my first class in a new year. I look up to see the teacher looking at everyone. "Goodmorning class,"she says. " My name is Miss. Raftel." we nod and she goes on with attendance.

Miss. Raftel had curly brown hair pulled back into a tight bun. She was very fat and wore a blue cardigan over a long sleeve white shirt and a long white skirt all the way to her ankles with black laofers. She had that mean look on her heavily lipsticked face. Red lipstick was definitely not her color.


I look up amd say here.  She nods and goes on to the next student. The class became boring really fast so i took the time to think about the new english teacher. I knew he was probably hot from the way claire gushed about him in the hallway before class. I had english next but i wasnt the type to get sucked into the love wormhole that would probably happen in the next few minutes. I was here to learn not fall in love with my english teacher. I mean a teacher? Yuck. The bell rings and I grab my stuff and start to walk out.

" Dont forget to study the notes i gave you guys today. There will  be a test in thursday," Miss. Rafttel says.

Crap. there were notes? I must have been too lost in my thoughts to notice. Oh well.

On the way out Claire links arms with me and together we plow through the crowd of students on their way to their next class.  

"So what class do you have next Claire?'

 We stop at our lockers and get our books. " Well I have math next. What about you?" she asks me.

"I have english," I say

"OHmygosh you are so lucky Katie! The english teacher is soooo hot," she squeals.

"Claire can you stop talking about him for a moment? I dont really care. Im here to learn'" i say irritated.

"Oh fine. Your so uptight sometimes. Well im off to class so see ya girl. Have fun." She wiggles her eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes.

With that I walk off. I get to my english test and sit in the back. But not way in the back because i wanna see what this english teacher looks like. The bell rings and he walks in.

"Sorry that I am late class," he says. he had an accent but i couldnt tell where it was from. He sets his things o n his desk and turns around. I gasp...

Haha cliffhanger...sorry i dont know how to upload title pictures so deal with it. :P. im only 13 so dont pick on me if this story sucks. Sorry if this chapter sucks. i had to get it out the way until the really saucy stuff happens.

Yeah thats right i said saucy. As always VOTE and LOVE YA GUYS :)

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