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I have nothing to say so um.. happy reading!

Chapter 15

Katie's POV

I put on some sweatpants and a t~shirt and pad down the stairs. My brother was in the living room now eating a sandwich and chips and watching spongebob. His feet were on the coffeetable and he was glaring at the yellow sponge on the tv.

"Hey bro what's wrong?" I ask. I could pratically feel the anger bouncing off of him as he sat there.

 Greg opens hos mouth to say something but quickly shuts it when we hear the sound of the front door opening and closing.  Even from the living room I could hear the sound of almost a dozen feet parading around the house. My brothers and sisters were home.

I hear a crash in the kitchen and I run up there with greg hot on my heels. We reach it just in time to see two of my brothers and my two sisters crowded around a fallen plate.

"Oh god what have you guys done now?" Greg says in an irritated tone.Six fake innocent faces look up at us. Marnie being the youngest of the Vaselle family at five had the cutest little heart shaped face and green eyes and dark hair just like mine. Brittany ,who was fourteen, had lighter hair than Marnie and mines. But she still had the same heart shaped face and green eyes I did.

My brothers Matthew,Chase,Dylan, and Damien all had green eyes and the darkest shades of brown and black hair you've ever seen. Matthew was 15. Chase was 16, and the twins Dylan and Damien both wer 17 and exactly alike. Greg being the oldest obviously had to scold them for dropping stuff but me being the nice older sister that I was pulled them all into a huge hug. They all hugged back,even the boys.

Greg hung back and started to sweep up the mess. Marnie took the oppurtunity to run torwards me. "Sissy!" she shouted. I laughed and picked her up hugging her to my chest. She was pkaying with my hair and humming the barney clean up song. I laughed some more and set her down in a kitchen chair. But since I was 18 and the second oldest I had to scold my siblings.

" Alright who broke the plate?" I ask placing my hands on my hips and staring at each one of them individually. They all started talking at once."Whoa whoa whoa! You guys calm down," I say . Then I walk over to Chase. He was the most mature out of all my siblings. I looked at him and said," Chase wwho broke the plate?"

"Well Damian and Dylan thought it would be funny to play frisbee with the plate so they ran to the kitchen and started tossing it aroung. Matt and Marnie were fighting because Matthew took her Barney song out the radio in the car. So of course Britt and I had to break up the madness and stupid Damien over there dropped the plate while trying to catch it."

Brittany nodded her head and said," Boys are stupid," Then she ran upstairs. I made a mental note to check on her later. Turning back to the boys I heard Greg asking them who was going to take the blame for it. I figured he had the job down so I took Marnie upstairs and took this special time to see what was up with Brittany.

When I got to her room she was sitting on her bed with her ipod on listening to music and reading a book. I rapped on her slightly open door and she nodded at me to come in. I did and sat marnie on the floor to play with Brittany's old stuffed animals. Then I sat on Brittany's bed and pulled her earphones out of her ear.

"Hey sis what's going on?" I ask gently while making myself comfortable on her bed.

She looks at me with sad eyes and says." Jason and I broke up. He cheated on me." Then she completely breaks down and I hug her tightly. Marnie notices Brittany crying and runs downstairs. I bet she went to go tell the guys. Seconds later I hear yelling and the spund of feet pounding upstairs.

I knew we were in for it now when Greg came burstung through the door eyes filled with anger.

"Where is he now?" Greg demands. Behind him my other brothers look equally mad. Brittany was still crying on my shoulder so I decide to answer. But before I could say anything the doorbell rings.

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