~•💥Chap.4: Vampires VS Hunters💥

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«EVERYONE IN POSITION! WATCH OUT FOR THEIR WEAPONS! THEY'LL KILL YOU!» said Jisoo jumping from the ground on a tree to evade an attack

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«EVERYONE IN POSITION! WATCH OUT FOR THEIR WEAPONS! THEY'LL KILL YOU!» said Jisoo jumping from the ground on a tree to evade an attack

Four years were gone by already and the year Lalisa was going to reborn was closer and closer. But nothing could go smoothly. Nothing.

The Hunters found a way to reach Varklood because of a careless elf who left a portal open, the elf was punished properly by the Queen Elf Bellpyria but the biggest mess was left to Jisoo's family and the whole Vampire kingdom.
Deal with the Hunters, kill them one after another, without leaving survivors.

Which was as expected hard as hell since the Hunters were well prepared and only wanted to exterminate the whole Vampire race.

«SOUKEYST WATCH YOUR BACK!» I yelled to another vampire who was about to get shoot, so he moved just in time to get away with.

Jisoo jumped against a Hunter and detached its head, for then use his body as a shield against another Hunter, for then killing her as well by ripping her heart out.
The battle was going on for an hour already, both parties had lost, on the vampires' side, it was mostly wounded creatures. The Hunters were tired and in a very small number, they couldn't win against a whole reign of Vampires, they couldn't even keep up with a couple of them as they were humans, with smaller stamina and needs. While Vampires were so strong in every aspect. And so the Vampires finally won the fight.

Jisoo was covered in blood as well as being wounded, which since she was hit with tools designed to kill them, it would have taken longer to heal.

«Lady Kim. What do we do with the bodies?» a guard asked as Jisoo shrugged
«Bring them back to the city and feast on it. It's your reward.»
He nodded and added «How about the bodies of our kind?»
«Bring them back to their families obviously.» Jisoo stated huffing before an image flashed through her mind

» Jisoo stated huffing before an image flashed through her mind

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What the hell is this!?

«Lady Kim? Is everything okay?»
«Of course I am. Get lost.» I said harshly for then teleport where the portal was, wanting to make sure it was really closed.

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