~Chap.16: The Blue Lake Forest pt.2~

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«L-Layla. Can you feel it too?» I asked feeling my eyes tear up
«What are you feeling Bella?»
«Pain.... So much pain... Sadness... Grief... It's so awful... And the screams, whines, moans, they're so... I can't even describe them... Are those the souls?»
«If you can hear them, you can see them if you really wish.» I was crying as I, for some twisted reason, wished with all of me to see them and once I did. It was bone chilling.

«You're human Isabella. That's why the Supreme needs a dark side, Onyx. She can deal with this. We all have a purpose and together we're unstoppable.» Layla explained
«Why such a beautiful place for such souls?» I cried as I slowly walked through them
«Just to make them suffer more. They can't enjoy the enchanting beauty of this place.»
«It's cruel...»

«It's what they deserve.» a dark voice said as I jumped and turned around, my hand quickly flying to my chest, where my heart started hurting «They did this to themselves.»
«Go, away...» I mumbled «I-It hurts...»
She scoffed «Not my fault you're a weakling. But I must say, you're good. You've got to where Dark Lisa is first.»
«O-Onyx's here?»
«Onyx?» she questioned.

So she didn't know everything.

«God my heart, it hurts too much... I don't think I can stand it.» I said falling on my knees, as Lady Jisoo said
«I've got something from Jennie for you. It'll help with whatever it's wrong with you.» she threw me a bottle «It's some kind of liquid. You need just a sip when it hurts.» I grabbed it and opened it, taking a sip with shaking hands, for then take a deep breath and close it, as the pain slowly stopped.

I looked for Layla and took her «Have you heard? If she's here why we didn't feel her? And by we, I mean you.»
«I felt her. You didn't because you're being overwhelmed by the souls, you must cut them out. Make them disappear. You mustn't want to see them.»
«But how can I ignore their pain?»
«You can.» Lady Kim said, now beside me «Let's go. We need to find the other two soul parts after her.»

I looked down at Layla who shook her head; Lady Jisoo wasn't aware of many things.

I asked Layla «What are we gonna do when we find her? Will she live in a doll as well?»
She simply replied «It's so cold in here. So cold...»
I sighed «If you're here I don't get what I need to do to help you.»
«Nothing. I'm pretty much fine. It's the body I'm using that's cold.» she said
«Body? Like the doll body it's cold?»
There was a moment of silence «Yes. Body. The doll body.»
Lady Jisoo said «Wake up dumb human, didn't you realize how she's made?»
I looked up confused «Of porcelain?»
«No dumb bitch. She's made out of skin, flesh, hair and organs from various creatures, maybe even human, the porcelain outside it's just an extra layer of protection.»
My eyes widened as I looked down and pulled her away from me a little as she yelled «No! No please! It's so cold. And scary. I need you.»
I bit my lower lip and embraced her more warmly again, but then I asked the vampire «How did you know?»
«Because I was in charge of killing the witches and mages involved with the creation of those things. They work as a second body for souls who are able to escape from anywhere. Weather they're good or bad. I thought I've got rid of all of them. Guess I was wrong.» I held Layla closer and said bravely
«You won't touch her.»
«I will. Once I'll find my Lisa.»
«No, you won't. I like her.»
The vampire shrugged «It needs to be gone and the spirit needs to go to her place. They're dangerous. If a bad spirit gets inside it's gonna be real bad. Remember that famous haunted doll you have on Earth, Annabelle? You know what the bad spirit did with JUST a simple doll. Imagine what worse could be done if these dolls were used. Also, I'm pretty sure a bad spirit is fighting with your Layla there for full control.»
I looked down at Layla then at Jisoo «You're talking about when Layla gets all killer-ish?»
She simply nodded «Yes. Now move it. And cut those damned souls out so we can find my Dark Lisa.»

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