~Chap.22: Missing~

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«It's been a year! A year of her missing! How come no one knows where Lalisa or Isabella or whatever is!?» I said infuriated to Chaeyoung and Jennie, their children also present, I looked at Haeun raising an eyebrow «Weren't you a channel or somet...

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«It's been a year! A year of her missing! How come no one knows where Lalisa or Isabella or whatever is!?» I said infuriated to Chaeyoung and Jennie, their children also present, I looked at Haeun raising an eyebrow «Weren't you a channel or something?»
Haeun said calmly «My time still hasn't come. Until Isabella, no, Lalisa won't find her true self again, I won't be able to help you find her.»
Jennie asked «So Lalisa is back!?»
Haeun nodded «She is. The ritual worked, all three fragments are back to being one soul, fully healed and functional. But her memories, they need to be awaken before you two can meet. Meeting you could be really dangerous.»
Chaeyoung asked «So you know where she is?»
Haeun bit her lower lip «Kinda. I have an idea. A rough map. I know where to find her brother though. He's actually in South Korea at the moment. I can't tell you anything else. Because what's told to me is also limited and protected by rules. And no aunt Soo, I can not break them it's physically and magically impossible.»
I groaned and stood up «Then we'll move to South Korea until we find this brother.»
Jennie reminded me «Jisoo, you've got a reign to look over. You can't abandon it.»
I said annoyed «I'll leave it to my brother for a while! He can deal with his job and mine.»
Rosé pointed out «What will the people think? When they see their Lady gone? On a crazy hunt for the Supreme?»
«They'll understand and admire me. They know that we would have the Supreme on our side.» I explained but Haeun said
«Aunt, you forget that the Supreme doesn't take a side. And she has her own reign. Who's in great need of her might I add.»
Jennie stood up and said sternly stepping in front of her daughter «Kim Jisoo, don't you dare get aggressive with any of my children. I'm warning you.»
I moved a couple of inches from my best friend's face, glaring at her, my eyes bloody red «Or what Jennie? Try me. You know you can't win.»
Jennie glared back and stood her ground «No, YOU don't wanna try me. You'd regret it. Deeply.»
Chaeyoung stood up and pushed us apart getting in the middle «Both of you stop it. You two fighting like idiots won't make us find Lisa faster. Get yourselves together and let's start planning.»

«Bye mom! I'll see you tonight!» I said cheerfully as I greeted my mom and reached two of my usual friends Miriana and Matteo who came to pick me up

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«Bye mom! I'll see you tonight!» I said cheerfully as I greeted my mom and reached two of my usual friends Miriana and Matteo who came to pick me up.

«Morning guys!» I smiled at them waving my hands. They smiled back at me and also greeted me together
«Morning Lisa/Morning Lali.»
Miriana said «So, are you ready for the test?»
I huffed «Definitely no. I didn't understand shit. Am I the only one?»
She shook her head as we stopped at our bus stop «No, me too. I'm only 15 going for 16 soon, I don't need to know what some random guy did decades ago. And the dates? Are they really necessary to know? Ugh. History is the most useless thing to study.»
Me and Matteo nodded as I added «But it's interesting to be fair sometimes. But only sometimes.»
«Give me a good example.» she said as I pursed my lips thinking
«Well, the history of vampires and supernatural stuff it's so interesting. Have you ever heard about the Ethereal Supreme? Apparently it's this person who's pretty much as the same level of God. Like that's bad ass.»
Miriana said «Never heard that before. How do you think she'd look like? Like us?»
I shrugged «I don't know, but I bet she's stunning. White porcelain skin, glitter-ish, long white hair with butterflies, pretty green-ish dress and one blue eye and one green. And I bet she'd look like a badass in an fairy body like, I don't know.»
Matteo said «You've thought about her a lot uh?»
I shrugged «I might be crazy for this, but I feel so attached to her for some reason. I feel like... I don't know. I'm not sure.»
Miriana said joking «Imagine finding out you're the Ethereal Supreme, lol, that'd be so disappointing.»
I gasped faking offence and playfully slapped her shoulder «Mean! But yeah, I'd be a little disappointed knowing she's... Normal lol.»
Matteo said «But, I mean, even if she looked normal she'd still be badass. Which is what matters. Like, go girl! Give us your everything!»

The bus arrived and we went on, meeting some other friends. While they started talking to each other, I kind of disassociated and got lost in my thoughts.

The Ethereal Supreme... The most recent record, says she died in a car accident almost a million years ago. How could she die by something so... Simple?

Although I was still learning about her and I've never met her, I felt like she was close to me or well, more like someone I knew. There was this... Pull towards her. Since my parents found me passed out in a forest a year ago, I was so drawn to this figure. They were also shocked about me being fine, me as well; after a week of being home all those sicknesses and horrible symptoms I had before my disappearance were gone. Just like that. Doctors couldn't explain it either.

I was all over the news "Lalisa Manoban the sickest, missing girl was found completely fine and healed. Nobody knew what happened. The victim couldn't remember anything either."

Doctors were actually still studying my case, but there were no new leads. But to be honest, I didn't care. I was tired of being sick. I wished death would take me just so I wouldn't hurt like that anymore. So the fact that now I could live happily, made me don't give a fuck about anything or anyone.

I could finally go on some adventures in haunted places without risking my life because of my heart.
And perhaps I could finally catch a vampire!

I'm not sure why, but since I woke up in that forest, I also gained an extra obsession for Vampires, as if I didn't like them enough before. I wanted to see a vampire. A wanted to befriend one.

I wanted.... A vampire.

I wondered if there was some kind of ritual I could have done to meet one, but from what I researched there was nothing like that. How disappointing.

1107 words

I am so damn slow at updates, I suck.

Btw, anyone has any bottom Lisa fanfics to read?

Thanks for reading commenting and voting!
Big hug and kiss 🤗😘

-Ary 🌈🦄🤙🏻

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