~Chap.14: The Angels Reign~

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I somehow, with Layla's help, was able to reach the Angels reign

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I somehow, with Layla's help, was able to reach the Angels reign. It looked beautiful. If that was how paradise looked like I would have died happily. There was one issue though.

«Layla, how the fuck will I move around without getting busted? I can't fly, I can't take public transports, I don't own anything magical. What the fuck do I do?» I questioned Layla who was levitating in front of me
«I can use my magic to make you fly. But you need to disguise yourself first. Jisoo's and Archclor's people are surely around.»
I scrunched my eyebrows as I took out my backpack a wig and some makeup «I don't get why y'all keep saying I should watch out for Archclor. He's an Archangel and God's sidekick. He's good.»
Layla simply said «He's corrupted. Not by the Devil. But by his own greed for power. But I can't tell you much. Not until we find Dark Lisa.»
I huffed «Fine.» I put on the baby yellow long, wavy wig, put makeup on to alter my aspect and even wore pink contact lens. I would have looked like an elf. Or well, that was my objective.

«So Layla, can you feel something to help me out or I just gotta travel the whole reign and hope to be lucky?» I asked Layla who was now in my arms
«Ehm... I'm not a sensitive or such. And yes. Although me and Dark Lisa have a connection we can't feel each other. This due to the barrier that it's trapping her.»
I nodded «Fine. Also please, while you're flying me around, try to don't go killer mode on me.»
«I don't do it on purpose. It's not even me!»
«I am not gonna argue with a doll.» I pointed out as my feet left the ground and flew «Woah! This is scary.»
Layla said «I'm not just a doll. And you know it. It's cold Isabella hold me tight please. It's so scary here... You must free me...»

I kept Layla closer as I flew towards Wingerlds, the capital city of Wlongelch, the Angels Reign. Although both Angel and Archangels lived here, it seemed more correct to simply refer to it as the angels reign to include every sort of specie like that.

I landed in front of a random shop, looking down at Layla «What now? I have no idea where to look at. Although I'm pretty sure they would keep her here. I mean it makes sense no? Someone would think that it's in a desolated and far and abandoned place, so what better place than here?»
«Could be.»

I took out my phone, where from some time it was updated with magical apps and the various technologies, etc.
I opened the map app and chose the one of Wlongelch, then of Wingerlds, a 3D hologram small map appeared in front of me.

«Sooo, how does this work?» I questioned Layla
«Just like you'd do with pictures, you can zoom in or out, you can turn it around.»
I nodded and zoomed on the big church looking building «Oh this is cool. Where should we look first?»
«Well, if what you're thinking is correct, Archclor must probably need a place with a huge magical source. Which in this reign tends to focus on building like the castle, the plaza, the central library, the museum and the church.»
I sighed «It's gonna be a long day... Where to first? Based on the map we're more close to the museum.»
«Let's go then.»

We started walking towards the museum, while in the meantime taking in our surroundings. Wingerlds, or well the whole Wlongelch for what I could see until now, seemed a very peaceful place. The place you'd like to be when you wanted to meditate or calm down or you know that stuff. It was also quite windy, which I think was to make the flying easier, but I wasn't sure. Even here there were every type of creature around, but although they weren't Angels or such, they still kept peace and followed the flow. The various Angels and similar creatures were very beautiful, now understanding the beauty Archclor had. Because although Layla said he was corrupted, he was hot. Even a 14 years old like me couldn't deny that.

«This is the museum right?» I looked down at Layla who nodded
«Let's go inside. If she's here. We'll feel it.»
I nodded «I don't know why though. But I feel like she isn't here. In this dimension... Or well, reign... I'm probably just crazy right?»
Layla shook her head «Naaah, I'm with you. Well, if we don't feel anything, it'll be a waste of time to look around here. Where should we go then?»
«What if we're wrong and she's here? She said it's here.»
«She's trapped. Just like me. She can't know for sure where she is. I can because I'm lucky. She probably tried to guess.»
«Soooo, what now?» I asked
«I don't know. We visit the reign since we're here? Maybe we should visit the museum anyway. There might be someth- QUICK HIDE! Jisoo's people, they can smell you!»

I gasped and followed where Layla was looking, there were two guys, definitely vampires and definitely Jisoo's, due to their unique uniform.

I quickly ran towards the museum, which for some weird reason was free entry.

«How do I hide if they can smell me?» I asked as Layla said
«Go to the Witches section! There's a fragrance, we need to steal it and spray yourself with it. One spray it's enough.»

I quickly scanned the place to look for the sign that pointed to the Witches section, which made me have one question. WHY? Why they had Witches and other races stuff when they're Angels?

After quickly discharging that thought, I've found my hiding spot, while Layla effortlessly stole the perfume. How? She simply teleported inside the case, grabbed it, teleported again and sprayed it on me for then put it in it's place.

So I guess I was safe.

«So, you gave me anxiety when this would have taken no time?!» I asked shocked to Layla who simply said
«It's cold. I'm so cold. Please let's move. Time is running up. Time is running up. Out of time. We're almost out of time.»
«W-What?» I asked confused.

1063 words

Ayo! I'm sorry, it's short. I know. Forgive me. Buy in my defense I've updated at least one story before Christmas just like I said!! Well... It's actually 00:10 for me, so it's Christmas... But anyway...

Where do you think Dark Lisa is being held? Will Layla and Isabella make it? What does Isabella means?

Thanks for reading commenting and voting ☺️
Big hug and kiss 😘🤗


-Ary 🌈🦄🤙🏻

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