~Chap.8: Camping gone wrong?

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«Okay everyone, remember that from now on, we'll speak in English whenever we're out together and remember, remember that for tonight and tomorrow we'll be camping in a deeper part of the forest, so remember to pack everything you need

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«Okay everyone, remember that from now on, we'll speak in English whenever we're out together and remember, remember that for tonight and tomorrow we'll be camping in a deeper part of the forest, so remember to pack everything you need. If you need help me and your science teacher will be in the cabin 12.» our English teacher, "Miss Black" as she wanted to be referred said.

Matteo said «Ma che cazzo, non so niente d'inglese.» (But what the fuck, I know nothing of English.)
Miriana said rolling her eyes «Cazzo Mat, siamo alle medie, dovresti sapere qualcosa, l'anno prossimo saremo alle superiori.» (Fuck Mat, we're in middle school, you should know something. Next year we'll be in highschool.)

(A/N: For anyone confused, this is the Italian school system; kindergarten 3-5 years old, elementary school 6-11, middle school 11-14, highschool 14-19 (high school can last from a minimum of 3 years to a max of 5 depending on the address chosen.) and then university. Isabella is 14 as her b-day has already passed and they're not far from the end of the school year, so yeah they're in the last year of middle school. I'm curious, how's the school system where you live?)

Matteo shrugged «Conosco parolacce, ma non penso contino molto.» (I know bad words, but I don't think they'll count much.)
I chuckled «I'll help you study cutie.»
He said «Cosa diavolo hai detto? Voglio sapere.» (What the hell did you say? I wanna know) I smirked and hugged Layla tighter, I wondered if she was okay.

Me, Miriana, Lodovica and Martina, which were my three besties, went to our cabin which, would you look at the weird coincidences of life, was number 13, as well as the more isolated. Like it was still neat the other cabins just a little bit further.

Martina huffed as we closed the door behind us «Great, just great, we have the creepiest cabin with the unluckiest number. Are we gonna get murdered? Maybe by that creepy doll of yours Bella?»
Lodovica called me as I was looking around relaxed «Bella? How the hell are you so relaxed?»
I shrugged and sighed, choosing the bed near the window knowing no one would have wanted that one «Trust me girls, if you knew what I'm going through, you'd be as chill as me. This is nothing compared to my visions and nightmares.»

We all placed our stuff in its place, we had a lot since we would have stayed there a week, for then sit down in a circle on a fluffy rug, in the middle of the cabin, just talking, Layla in my lap as Lodovica questioned me «Hey Bella, you've never told us how your hallucinations or nightmares are... We're kinda curious.»
I pointed out «They're scary. Do you really wanna know?» the three gulped nodding as I said making a small smile «Don't worry. I won't tell you anything. I can't. Or else Lilith will kill me... Or Archclor would scold me for believing in such weird stuff.»
Miriana asked «Who are these people?»
My eyes widened realizing my slip «Uh, uhm... Some... Uhm, nurses I have.»
Martina asked surprised «You have personal nurses?! Are you that rich?»
I shook my head «Uhm, they're family friends. So they do it for free.» they nodded, then I felt Layla move in my arms, so I looked down at her gasping as her eyes were red and bleeding as well as her nose, her porcelain white skin had red lines like they were her veins.

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