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First off, I want to say thank you seeing the passion of this story I wrote. I never thought I could have so much reads and votes on this story. I would like to address some things before I get to the real point. In my opinion I wasn't on planning a series for this book but when I saw how much reads and votes resulted to another book which became a book series.

Noah's child is the second book of my boss baby but happily it is not the last book.

Never mind the stupid things I said before, but this is chapter of Q&A where you can ask any questions about the story and I will answer with the best of my ability and not only that I will try to respond within 24-48 hours.

Okay ......

I'll be waiting for you guys. 

Question you are concern about ..

Who is the author ? 

I am not good with description but I write to escape reality most times , so I write anything that can help me cope the reality of life. 

Why did I write this story ?

I wrote this story when I stumbled upon a idea and I jotted the things I wanted in the story even the characters. After I went on Wattpad writing what I had in mind where now the story is where it is now.

How did I feel when I finished writing the story ?

I don't know how I feel but I will try to improve some things in the story but that is all I can say for right now.

Did this story make you feel more like a writer ?

I mean I wrote story before in my notebook but to write and published this story on Wattpad was ;my greatest achievement.

Will I write more stories like this ?

I mean I will write more stories when not busy but there is a second book to this series but unfortunately it ends there after all but there is another series I have started. So if you want to read my other stories there are published to be read and some I have not finished but they may say completed is because I don't have any other ideas for those stories but when the time comes, I will let the readers know when I updated those stories. 

How do you guys like the re-write? was it better than the original version?

So this is some questions you may have concerns about but that is all I have now but let me know when you have more questions.  

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