Chapter 3

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I waited for him to come get me but still there wasn't anybody coming. So I thought he stood me up and thought maybe I should wait just a few minutes. My sisters asked me where the douchebag that was supposed to pick me up but unfortunately he didn't show up like I always knew he would but this was low.

I got undressed as a person who is not only embarrassed but humiliated by a guy who I slept with. I didn't say anything nor cried, I went to sleep just thinking about the time he was inside of me telling me how he likes me but humiliated me tonight.

It was morning but I just knew I cannot work today because I can't face him even if I didn't feel anything yesterday doesn't mean I don't feel like shit. I tried to call out today but they insisted that I come because they need me for another purpose instead of cleaning but I am being paid for cleaning their house.

I got dressed even when I didn't want to go today. I saw Noah sitting down at the table staring at me with someone calling him sweetie. I was curious to know who it could be since it's not his mother calling him that. I went into the kitchen seeing a long legged skinny woman with blonde hair, she has blue eyes.

"Darling Anya, this is Kate, she is Noah's girlfriend." She says and there was the answer I have been looking for.

Is it me?

Am I enough or not?

I stare at him and his girlfriend but he insists that he speaks with me but his girlfriend keeps getting in his way.

"Noah darling, we can wear this for the gala." She says.

"Ma'am do I have anything to do or not?" I asked. But instead Kate dropped her drink on the floor for me to clean it up.

"Bitch!" Brandon says.

"Brandon." Noah says.

"Come on Brandon I will take you upstairs." I said and that when Noah pitched in to help me but I just knew I didn't need his help at all.

"Please talk to me." He begs.

"I have nothing to say to you." I said to him but he grabbed my arm to speak with me.

Brandon went to his room while Noah still had a hold to my hand pinning me towards the wall kissing my warm sweet lips which he doesn't deserve.

"I don't want you to explain to me how you made me look like a fool." I said to him but something didn't feel right when I was angry. I ran to the nearest bathroom puking out my guts, I was thinking about him.

"Mother please help me." Noah shouted for his mother.

"No Noah." I said and I kept throwing up until his mother came. I had stopped walking toward the sink washing off my mouth.

"Darling are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah it was something I ate." I felt sick but at that moment I wasn't thinking about anything.

"So you don't think it's something else?" His mother asks.

"No of course." I chuckle.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" She looks so concerned.

"No, of course not."I chuckled.

"Mom, that's none of your business." He says.

"I can ask if I want to know but if you are looking for someone, you can always tell me." She hugged me and told me to take the day off. I went back downstairs getting my stuff to go home but Noah insisted that I see him at the cafe.

I am not going to a cafe or meeting him any other place after what he did to me yesterday. I went home thinking about him again but I just knew I needed to let him out of my head now and asap.

I went to sleep but my stupid twin brothers was bothering me about Noah but I don't care about Noah.

"Leave me alone, I don't care about Noah." I said.

"Noah cares about you,he says." They were mocking him when he was sending me texts. I took my phone from them, kicking them out of the room calling Noah.

He answered but I can tell he is smiling through the phone.

"Leave me alone." I said angrily.

"I want to see you and I am outside." He demands to see me when I know I really don't care because it's not that impressive anyways.

I went down to see him where he was leaning on his car. I stare at him as he stares deeply into me as I am walking towards him.I wanted to scream in my own head just seeing him here leaning on his car waiting for me to approach him.

"Can we talk somewhere else?" He asked.

"Talk to me here and hurry." I said.

"Why are you acting like this?" He looks at me as if I had lost my head this morning.

"Are you kidding me? Weren't you the one with a girlfriend? Did you tell her how you were inside of me? I continued on but he didn't want to hear it anymore so kissing me to shut up was best.

"Don't you ever do that again." I took a deep breath while he was puffing out his chest.

"From the moment I held you in my arms, I just knew." He couldn't hold this back anymore so he lightly grabbed me in his arm kissing me all over just making me feel very vulnerable.

I just knew I didn't want to stay away from him. 

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