Chapter 14

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I was watching tv while they were still sleeping until I heard his phone ring. I went to check up on his phone where it was Kate calling him. I couldn't believe she still speak with him after what he done until there was text saying she was waiting for him.

I ignored the text just to avoid it because I didn't want him to think I was snooping through his phone. Noah woke up placing Olivia in the crib where he saw me hovering over his phone so he thought I did something to his phone but I didn't.

'What are you doing?'' He asked me.

''I am not doing anything other than check up on you guys until Miss Kate text you saying she is waiting for you.'' I said.

''She didn't mean it like that.'' He was trying to find an excuse but I didn't want any excuses for this type of bullshit. In this moment, I just knew I rushed myself into a relationship with him when he is perfectly better off with Kate since she gets him and I don't. It was better when we kept it like where it was supposed to be with Olivia but no I had to fuck it up by falling deeply in love with him.

I went to the bathroom staring at the pee stick I used when I found out I was pregnant with Olivia. It reminded of how much that naive girl wanted Noah to say he will support me but now what i am noticing is something different in him and i see that i have rushed myself ahead of myself as always leading me into situation I can no longer get out of.

Noah took a shower and got himself dressed up to head out to see Kate,I think. I didn't want to know, let alone what he was planning on doing with her since I now know who he is better off with. I thought it would be best for me to go back home until then because Noah home is now giving me the sense of conformity which I am not that used to.

Brandon saw me asking me where I was going but I didn't know how to tell him I was leaving to go back home since it was not working out here with Noah. I told him that my father is sick and he will need me and Olivia there to support him through the way.

Brandon planted a kiss on my cheek telling me he will miss me and I just knew I will miss him as well since he was my little partner. I packed up my stuff as well Olivia's heading out the door leading me back home because I didn't want to deal with Noah and his bullshit when he came back from his dinner date with Kate. I went to a restaurant since i was craving, i brought a burger with some fries with a vanilla shake just thinking about how my life could have been if i didn't encounter Noah.

Olivia was hungry so it was time to feed her while her father was calling me asking where I went? I didn't respond to him because I didn't want tos speak to him let alone talk about his date with his ex. Kate clearly wants him and so I am giving him back to her since now I see him and I will never work. Olivia was placed in her chair as i drove all the way home nearly tired but when I finally made it, I took Olivia out where Molly and mother had helped me with the others was busy doing god knows what.

''Why didn't you stay with Noah?'' Mother asked.

''Mother, Noah and I are not compatible.'' I said to her where she told me I have a guest in the living room. I went to see who could it be where Noah was telling me he needs to speak with me but i wasn't in the mood to speak with him after he dressed up to have fun with Kate leaving me stranded with his kid.

''I don't see the problem how you want me when you are still clearly stuck on Kate.'' I said.

''I am not stuck on Kate.'' he said.

''I can tell you are angry but you don't want to show it.'' He was trying to smile but this time it was not happening. I didn't want to smile because I am a game to him and i don't have time to watch my heart be broken into pieces for some guy he didn't want me in the first place.

Noah held me in his arms, telling me how he promised to devote himself to me only and that what he was doing when he went on that meeting with Kate to explain to her why he wants to be with me only and not her anymore. I wanted to believe him but I didn't know how to.

He kept me held into his arms where he kissed me by showing how he adores, loves me for me.

Could i really trust him? Was this all a game to him?

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