Chapter 1

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Hot days sweating to make ends meet even when you don't want to. I was not accustomed to America but hey when your family wants to make something greater for themselves and their family, you have to go along with it.

When my family moved to California, I was worried sick to my stomach because this was going to be my new home but I just knew I wanted to go home where I felt more like me in the UK. I had to find a job so I would be able to pay rent here for the meantime until my family thought of moving into something bigger than what we have.

We are living in an apartment that cost a lot of money but it didn't make sense especially when it's really small for all of us here,so I am hoping my mother is not thinking about having any children anymore. So while being here in the U.S. I had found a job within a week as a maid for one of the richest men in town.

His son is the richest bachelor with a girlfriend but I really like his siblings. Brandon and Allison are really nice young people but their brother Noah is another thing coming. Noah is nothing but a playboy who plays with girls' feelings with no regard to their feelings. I mean I saw a girl come here looking for him but he was hiding from her because he slept with her leaving her hooked.

I hope he doesn't come near me trying to do anything to me. I usually feel unsafe going into his room because he is kind of a pervert too. Once I got into his room,he was playing video games and face time with another girl asking her when she had time to hook up with him.

In my mind I am saying,"what a hoe." Then he got off facetime going into the bathroom trying to intimidate me. I was hoping he would not bother me again this time and let me work so I could go home but he refused to let me work. He whispered in my ear telling me "I am going to make you cum one day for me." I looked at him with a sarcastic smile on my face because I wanted him to leave me alone.

"So Alise why don't you like me?" He asked me.

"Anya." I said. He unzipped his pants in front of me while peeing in front of me but I didn't look but he told me I can look. I hurried myself out of his room but he locked the door, pinning me towards the door asking why am I leaving so soon.

"Please don't do anything to me." I said.

"Oh no I am not going to hurt you but I really want to tell you how attractive you are and how you make me feel." He says but I didn't believe anything that came out of his mouth.

"Bullshit." I smiled sarcastically.

"Let me take you on a date to show you I am not bullshitting you." His face shows that he really wants to take me on a date but I will not fall for his shit so no I told him and he looked hurt.

I went to the kitchen feeding the kids where they asked me why don't I marry their brother because they love how I take care of them when their mother is shopping like crazy and their father is running the company that Noah will eventually run soon.

I saw their mother coming in texting someone else that makes her so happy and then she told me that she will need me for tonight since she is attending a gala with Noah. She shouted at Noah to get out of bed so he could make for the gala. He kept telling her he will not go because she loves pawning her son to the richest woman at these galas.

He came down handshaking his brother and kissing his sister's forehead,he was eating the carrots and fruits.

"I hear mom said you are going with her to the gala." Allison said.

"Yeah unfortunately I am going to do that bullshit with our mother." He chewed another carrot. He got dressed up looking like James Bond undercover. I would say it looks normal for a person who is not wearing something like this to play with girls feelings.

I can tell he didn't want to be there with his mother but there was nothing he could do. Once they left, I cleaned up the house and played with the kids until they went to sleep. Noah came home so fucking angry with a drink in his hand and he was so drunk.

"Eventually you will need to get married for the sake of the family. " his mother shouted.

"Doesn't mean you have to pawn me to every woman in the gala mother." He was so angry that he threw the bottle at the wall, almost hitting his mother's head.

"You almost hurt me, get your shit together Noah." She went to her room angry knowing her son hit her with his bottle. Since the kids are asleep, I went to check up on him but I can see he is stressed.

"Noah, are you okay?" I asked.

"No Anya I am not fine but please can you leave." He took off his shirt. I approach him touching his shoulder but he pushes me on the bed.

"You don't have to be so rough with me." I got up and he grabbed my hand leaning in telling me he is sorry for hurting me. I felt sorry for him knowing he is going through a bad night with his mother arguing with him throwing a bottle towards her head.

He leaned in for a kiss but I didn't stop him as he was leaning in for a kiss. He cupped my chin bringing my face to face him, my arms were around his neck kissing him.

He grabs my ass as we kiss, then he pushes me onto his bed. He went to his door locking the door so he came back where the weight of his body is on top of me with his hand cupping my breast. He took off my shirt cupping both of my breasts and then he unhooked my bra sucking each of my breasts.

I couldn't believe I was sleeping with the son of the man who hired me to clean and take care of his kids. I didn't know what got into me but I thought letting out some steam would be best for me.

At that moment I felt weak to my knees just letting him touch me and caressed me like this. I never thought he would fuck me so good like this and make me feel like a fucking queen who just needed someone to fulfill me and my needs.

I didn't know if this was a set up to get me in his bed but I really wanted this at this time even if it kills me. 

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