Chapter 2

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I woke up realizing I am not in my bed let alone my room among other siblings I have. I felt someone arm around mines which was his arm around me in a way we had sex. 

I wiggled myself out of his bed going home but my sister was being a nosy bastard asking where I was but I couldn't tell them I was in my boss's son's room sleeping next to him. I went to take a shower just thinking about how I did get in his bed sleeping with him.

I got myself dressed to go to work but it was going to be so hard just to work without thinking of him being there to torture me from last night. I went to their house acting like nothing had happened between us.

I said hello to his father and mother and got started on my work but there was Noah around the house like some ghost. 

"Hello sir." I said shyly but I can feel his eyes weighing on me but I felt a hand touching me with their breath weighing on my shoulder.

I turned around seeing that it was Noah staring me down. " I want to see you in my room, maid." He swiftly slid my hair away from my face but I didn't know what to do anymore because my feet couldn't move with my eyes staring at him down.

His father came into the hallway asking Noah why he was bothering me from doing my work. Noah told his father he will back off from bothering me, so his father left where he watched his father leave to whisper in my ear that he needs me in his room now. 

I thought of going into his room but I thought it would not be the best idea to do this anyways. I went to his room even though I didn't want to see him lying on his bed waiting for me.

"Please cover up." I said.

"Why, you saw all of this before." He smiles as if I enjoy it even though I can remember some of that night. I rolled my eyes just knowing what he is offering to me now will ever make me feel satisfied.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked but he refused to answer me once I asked him that. He told me that the bathroom needs cleaning which I headed to clean but he came from behind me bending me over where my arm was on the bathroom counter with him inside of me.

I didn't know what to do other than let him inside of me. Was I really coming down to this mindset? Did i want him to bend me over just to fuck me? What was going on in my mind? 

I didn't fight back but just let my little body stay bent over as he was inside me thrusting himself inside of me as I could feel everything that was taking place. I wanted him to ravage me just knowing I am letting out hard moans in the bathroom until his brother came asking Noah what is the noise? 

"I am watching porn,Brandon." He fixed himself while I fixed myself to clean the bathroom. Once Brandon left after showing him some porn videos, I didn't want to hear so I closed the door acting like there is nothing wrong. 

Then he came into the bathroom telling me he wants to take me on a date. I was shocked to hear those words coming from him because I don't run in the same circle as him, I mean he is rich and I am just a poor girl from the UK that moved to the states for a better life.

"Why do you want to date me?" I asked.

"I want to date you because I like you." He said.

"You like me?" I asked.

"Is that so bad?" He smiles.

"No but I didn't think you liked me." I said.

"I like you whether you think I don't." He kisses my forehead and then he gently picked me up placing me on the counter where he slid off my panties fucking me on the  bathroom counter.

I didn't know what got into me at this moment but his touch was like a flame to a moth I could not control but just needed at that time. It was like an urge I was sensing that made me never want to let him go.

I just knew I have to get back to work before I go home to get dressed for this date. I am scared to go on this date with him even though he is my boss's son after all and I cannot love nor allow myself to love him because it's wrong.

So I going on this date but won't allow myself to love him or get myself into anything stupid with him. 

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