Chapter 9

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I felt a little better knowing i am not fired anymore which is great, i got dressed going downstairs to eat but my father refuses to let me go because now the boss is in his right mind for firing me in the first place but i couldn't handle the humiliation of people not wanting me all because i will soon look like a train. I was already big but imagine when I become bigger, people would start to complain that I am blocking their way, especially the baby will be blocking my way. Noah was at the door where he told me I will not be going to work but we are going to our first ultrasound.

"Noah, we can do this tomorrow.'' I looked at him where my father marched toward the door shaking Noah's firm hand telling him that he is responsible for getting me pregnant so he will need to take care of my baby.

''Yes sir i will take care of everything include Anya.'' He said.

"Right, you are a responsible young man." my father walked away where i told him he will not be taking care of me.

''Anya, you can at least let me take care of you." He suggested that I am not a big enough girl so he needs to take care of me. We went to the doctor to get an ultrasound on our little one inside. I had to fill out some paperwork but still I was kind of afraid to get inside to see my little one, once they had called my name out with Noah.

We were on the way inside of the room, this was my first time seeing a room so big like this ever. When I went to the doctor's room back home it was not that big like this, the lady doctor told me to lay on the bed there and lift up my shirt to a minimum where she can see the belly only.

I lifted it up to a certain amount where she put this cold blue cream on my belly, ''oooh this is cold.'' I giggled.

"So Noah, this is the woman you will be carrying such a beautiful life." She smiled at Noah.

"Yeah, aunt Clarrisse." Noah chuckled while being on his phone.

"Wait, you guys are related to each other?"I asked because now I am confused more than ever.

"Yes darling, i will be your OB-GYN and nice to meet you Anya.'' Clarrisse was happy to be able to help. She showed me my baby on the screen. I was shocked to see my baby inside in the belly showing on the screen.

"Do you want to know the gender?" She asks which i wanted to know so I didn't mind if she tells.

''Please tell us what type of a baby we are having.'' Noah says.

''You are having a girl." Clarrisse was so excited, so was i but the look on Noah face shows that he doesn't want a daughter.

''What ,Noah?'' Clarrisse doesn't know what is going on with Noah so he told her there is nothing wrong with having a girl as his first child but he was more distracted on work as usual.

''Noah, you are here to be with Anya and not to work, so can you at least act like you care.'' Clarrisee tells him where he pushes back the phone into his pocket seeing that it was time to clean up so i can go to her office to talk about some things to take care of my health and our baby girl.

I cleaned up my belly while Noah went back into his pocket getting his phone out texting probably Kate like i don't care. Clarrisse told me when i am ready, come into her office which i did after cleaning up myself leaving Noah to fend for himself since he is more interested in his phone other than caring for the fact we are having a little girl. He came into the office after a long conversation he was having with whoever he was. I could not believe he was acting like this while we are learning new things as we are going through a process of pregnancy before we become parents.

He ignored me all throughout the day which pissed me off because he could have the decency of asking me about the baby but I just let it slide without saying anything to him. He dropped me off home without even saying anything to me when I saw my father coming out of the house walking towards the car.

"Papa, i want to go out with you since Noah is not paying attention to me.'' I said. My papa didn't mind going out with me as long as I can ease out the stress since now I will become a mother by bringing a new life but guess what Noah doesn't care if he wants to be a father. My father and I went out having a great time as we are father- daughter bonding which reminds me when we did this back home before we moved here where everything changed for him and me and the rest of the family. Sometimes i start to realize why my father was doing this things is to protect us from things like this especially the situation i have put upon myself since we are adding into the family when our family is already enough as it is.

''Anya, I am not excited that you are having a baby but I want you to know you are my daughter and I support you through it all even when you don't want me to." He says hugging me.

At that moment, I just knew I had a family who would support me through it all. 

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