Chapter 8

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I went out looking for jobs since now I am a pregnant woman carrying some rich asshole kid who is fired. I could not believe that his father had me fired all because i am carrying his son's child, he make it sound like i wanted to have this child with his son let alone have sex with his son.

My sister could not believe the fact that Noah father fired me all because of a unborn child that will turn me into a mother for fuck sake. I cried at everything I passed by until I saw Kate walking towards me.

''Darling, I had made sure you were ruined by his father so you can stay away from him forever, so i will pay you to stay away from Noah.'' She says but it was not my choice to make the man stay away from me if he wanted to be involved.

"His father doesn't want him to get involved since he is not married and he is having a child from wedlock.'' She says.

" Wedlock?" I was so shocked just knowing he just call me and my child unwanted people in wedlock.

''Yes, so if i were you i would take the paycheck where it can help the funds for the baby and me for ten years", but what do i look like taking money from the woman he will end up married to. I swear in my life I am about to burst myself into flames knowing I have brought myself to shame upon myself and my family even among the father of the child.

I walked away from Kate where she told me I would end up regretting until I walked in some coffee shop seeing that Noah was picking up some coffee. I walked away so fast until he stopped me asking where I was coming from. I did not answer him because all I can think about is what Kate said about the child coming from wedlock. I remember when my mother told me she was disowned from having children from wedlock herself and now here I am doing the same thing my mother did years ago.

I walked away like the poor sucker I am. Noah stopped me telling he wants to be in the baby's life even if his father says that he will not let him get involved with wedlock children who are unwanted by their fathers.

"Noah, stay away from me.'' I said.

''Let me be by your side to take care of the baby." He says but i don't want him in my life but who am i to refuse someone to be in his life?''

"Fine, you are allowed to be in your baby life but not mines, got it.'' I said until Kate came and ruined it for me by asking Noah what was going on.

"Nothing is going on but it is time for us to leave now.'' Noah says leaving with his arms around Kate knowing what she did to me is helping her sleep at night while i am suffering in hell. Who am I to think I could ever make Noah see me that way when I am supposed to stick to my motto by not giving my heart away to someone who will step all over it until it crushes.

I kept looking for jobs but nobody was willing to help someone who will end up looking like a train in a few months soon, so i kept finding another job but still nobody wants me if i am going to look like a train in few months, i had wished i had never had sex with Noah and let his seed enter inside of me. He is the reason I am in this predicament but hey who could say ?

I went home after a long day knowing my life sucks. I stayed in bed until the next morning when mom told me there was someone wanting to speak with me, so I went down to see Noah's mother with his father holding hands. I was shocked to see him here with his wife holding her hand in my house after he fired me.

''Sir, what are you doing here ?'' I asked where he told me he should have not fired me but should have come to me as a person who is carrying his grandchild.

''I am excited to see you here.'' I said where Molly tells his father that he is a jerk for letting me go because he lost someone who will never do that to someone else like that.

He came to his senses realizing he should have not fired a pregnant woman but should have held her tighter just as Noah wants this child in his life and he was the one who talked some sense into him.

"I am sorry Anya, can you at least reconsider working with us with better benefits." He felt sorry for firing me and I felt bad if I didn't accept it. 

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