Chapter 11

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Anya P.O.V

It has been eight months already where I was so eager to meet my baby girl. Within these months Noah and I have been going out ,calling each other laughing, acting like we were once teenagers but in love. Even though he hasn't told me he loves me doesn't mean he doesn't love me. I mean i have not told him either because i think he might not but we have been more than friends for these past couple months while carrying our baby girl. I went to my last appointment since i have only days to make sure my baby girl is coming out alive and kicking but i felt something inside of me hurting which i have told it could be the baby.

I got up from the seat in pain hurting me so bad, I was starting to think it had to be contractions but I was hoping it wasn't. It would be too early to have the baby this soon, so i had called Noah but he didn't answer my call which doesn't make any sense, so i went to his house seeing Kate opening the door asking me what am i doing here but i wanted to ask her the same question myself.

Noah gave me a face when he saw me which i was starting to think i have interrupted something at this moment but Kate told him no,but to let me stay but i just knew i overstayed my welcome where this man spoke saying is this the cheap whore his nephew picked up to impregnate.

''UNCLE!'' Noah shouted.

''I am sorry, I mean whore.'' He looked at me where Kate smirked at me when he called me whore. I felt this pain inside of me like a needle poking at me, so when I bend over i was crying in pain.

''Let me see your face, my child.'' The uncle wanted to see me. I got up seeing his face towards mine looking at me asking if i am british? I have told him that i am british and right now I am in pain, so Noah made me sit down so he can try to speak with me before anything gets worse. His uncle questioned me like somebody they are trying to examine in a lab when she dies of something.

''Sir, i am sorry for whatever i have caused you and your family.'' I said to him holding my belly where Noah asked me if I am okay but I knew I was not okay until I said I want to get up from the chair. I saw the water on the ground even on the chair I was sitting on.

''Oh my god, i am having the baby.'' Noah rushed me to the hospital where I was placed on the bed with Noah holding my hand telling he will not let go of me, i had to take off my clothes and hurry to get into the hospital clothes even Noah since he is the father of the child.

''So Anya, you are going to have this baby.'' The nurse says. I pushed this baby out of me, she was a little bugger when she came out. She was seven pounds of crying breathing breath of air to me when I saw her and when they placed her in my arms, I just knew this little bugger was going to be mine forever no matter what. I love her and she loves me as she latches on my finger. Noah was so shocked to see someone so small like this to come out of the woman's womb.

She gave me an explanation of how life has become for me when she came out of my womb. Noah held on her holding her telling her that he will love her no matter what , i felt so happy but i had lost so much blood where i nearly passed out so they told Noah to leave the room where they placed the baby in her carriage but she started crying as i was almost near death, they pumped and tried everything to bring me back until a few hours i have come to wake up where my baby Olivia was in the baby room kicking and looking in the air.

Noah came into the room saying that I had scared him because he didn't get the chance to give me these letters he wrote for me. He went outside to see his family as I started to read the letters he wrote for me. Once I read it I fell in love with the words he wrote and how he was explaining how much he loves me. At that moment, I had to tell him that i love him as well before it was too late so i got out of bed walking to find him in the hospital seeing him in the lobby with his family so I marched up towards him telling him i love him too.

Just in that moment, i wanted his lips upon mine in ways i could not explain but my body could for my mind. 

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