Chapter 10

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For all that time I was thinking on my bed listening to the music in my ears as they were ringing. There was something inside of me eating me away telling me you want to shout from the rooftop. Once his family knew and so did mine, i just needed to work and be supported no matter what, i heard a knock on my door but as usual I have always thought it was my annoying twin brothers but it was Noah.

''Hey, i came to see you since i was a jerk the last time we were together.'' He had his hands deep into his pocket, nervous to see me. So was i, i have never had a guy in my room other than my father and annoying twin brothers.

''You have a really big family.'' Noah is making small talk but right now i was not in the mood for small talk but i didn't mind having some small talk with someone like him anyways so i told him to close the door and sit down on my bed just in case he have something to tell me but i can see that he is nervous to be around me.

''You make me nervous.'' he is shaking but it was him who makes me nervous to even speak until he told me that he wants to take me out on a date but i felt that we should not be going on dates since this should be all about raising and helping the child we are having but he insisted so am i to deny his request.

He left smiling when I went into my closet seeing that there is nothing there was Molly coming to help me to find the right dress for this date since she overheard when he asked me out.I didn't want to be overdressed for a date that might not happen just like the same way he had stood me up before.

I wore some jeans with a t- shirt just in case he doesn't show up again, so I went to his house seeing that the house is empty but there are petals of flowers and candles lit up in the pathway. I got out of my car walking the direction of the petals with the candle lit up seeing Noah standing there so nervous.

''You did all this?'' I am shocked by the effort he made for me, to be able to go the deep end for me.

''I want nothing but the best for you.'' He seemed anxious until I walked up towards him holding his hand where he looked at me. ''I am so sorry for hurting you before.'' He was nearly sad but I shushed him leaning in toward to kiss him on his lips lightly. My heart beats faster as Noah's face reaches a limit to me where the unuttering visions of his breath romp my mind of him holding me as his lips struck upon me as i blossomed like a flower that been utterly quiet in a peaceful home.

I have been anticipating weakness just knowing how he makes my body feel when he wraps around me, kisses me, just touches me in general. He slowly lay me down on the ground just kissing me as I anticipated , making him make me feel this way but I didn't know how to let the words come out because I wanted to shout out how much he makes me feel. It felt like i am in love with him but this is not the moment to ruin this all because i could end up saying those three words,'' I love you.''

Noah P.O.V

As i am anticipating the kiss upon her fragile sweet rosy lips, she drives me crazy with the touch her hand and the light kisses she placed upon my lips, it like this drive inside of me telling me that i want her to be my side in all times but i have to remember this is a moment of truth. We are only here to support my child until death do us part and not in a marriage way but the co-parenting way.

As much as I want her, I need to respect her choices as wanting me to co-parent and nothing more else, but tonight I had to let her know I feel about her even though she doesn't feel the same way about me. I am laying next to her as she sleeps like an angel, i felt her naked body upon mine just driving me to the extent of wanting to stay here and keep her close to my heart.

I am not even into sappy love stories but with her she makes me want to write her letters, love notes, sing to her off key, and do all the things out of the ordinary. I never done this with anyone let alone feel like this about someone like the way i feel about her. I got up from the floor going in my father study starting a love letter to Anya telling her things that comes in mind when i think about her which i don't ever stop from doing each day, i think about her when i sleep, when i am home with my family, when i am around Kate and other people non stop.

Anya woke up seeing me in my father's study with my shirt on her asking me what am i doing? I told her I am writing some business deals but I knew I didn't want this day to be over with her, so we made ice cream sundaes watching sappy love movies with the popcorn. I told her it was time to watch my favorite all time movie which were the fifty shades series which she told me she never seen, so i wanted to teach her about sex, love,dominance in the world of Christain's and Ana's.

She felt the baby's movements, so she made me touch her belly to feel our little baby daughter having a good time in her mother's stomach moving around where she smiled and cried knowing that she has a baby inside of her growing and feeling everything she feels. I whispered to the baby inside of the belly saying that I love her mother which Anya wanted to hear but it was best to come out with these words when the timing is right.

Anya fell asleep on my arm after a long night of watching movies, eating popcorn with ice cream sundaes. We talked about our baby all night as well, so I turned off the television, slightly leaning my head toward her sleeping as well until the morning took us away. Brandon and Allison saw us on the couch sleeping like lovebirds wrapped in one big blanket, so Anya had overstayed her stay so it was time to go home to get some sleep and get ready on the road to get some stuff done.

''You guys look beautiful together.'' Allison says.

''She is my girl, so stay away from her Noah.'' Brandon was ready to fight me for Anya.

''I love her, Brandon.'' I whispered to him.

Could it be, i wanted her to myself only. 

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